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Otherwise, you may end up suffering severe migraine attacks, memory loss, weakening of eyesight, etc.
Before attempting to have any larger fillings removed you may need to take selenium (if possible in ionic
form) for one to two months. Eat more foods that contain Vitamin C, such as the supergrain Chia, or red-
colored fruits and vegetables, for about ten days. Use cilantro leaves and green leafy vegetables in every
main meal to help clear mercury and other metal deposits from the body. Drinking several cups of Pau
d’Arco (Lapacho) tea per day, or taking four capsules of its extract three times daily for two weeks may
greatly assist you in the detoxification of the blood, liver and kidneys (see section 7 for details on this
powerful immune balancer). The kidney cleanse is also very beneficial in preventing injuries from any
released metals. The native American tea formula, Ojibwa tea (see section 8), is also excellent for metal
removal. It contains large amounts of vitamins.

Metallic Clay—And How To Remove Noxious Metals, Chemicals And Radiation.

A safe and direct way to remove noxious chemicals, toxic metals radioactive isotopes (generated by x-
ray equipment and other sources) from the body is to take several baths with metallic clay—ideally, using
clay bath kits (http://www.magneticclay.com or http://www.magneticclaybaths.com, 800-257-3315) or any
other unpolluted bentonite clay. Calcium Bentonite Clay, such as Pascalite clay (www.relfe.com) is
particularly useful for radiation removal. While lying in the bathtub, apply some wetted clay to the whole
head and make a facemask with it. One pound per bath is sufficient. Soak in the water for about half an
hour. Let the bathwater stand for a few hours, or overnight, and then drain off the water, but keep the
settled clay in the bathtub. Check for black, gold, silver-colored sediments in the clay (metals). Remove
the clay.
If a full bath is impractical, take a number of foot baths instead. Soak your feet in bentonite clay for
20-30 minutes in the evenings, let the water sit over night the next day and view at the results the
following morning. Like with the full bath, you may find that at the bottom there are with flecks of gold,
silver or stuff that looks like black sand. Note: although part of the black sand consists of metals, it may
partially be due to impurities in the clay.
A note on tooth extractions: In case a tooth needs to be extracted, be aware that tooth extractions can
cause lasting illness if the “cavitations” are not cleaned properly. When a tooth is extracted, dead tissue
can be left behind and attract infectious bacteria. This has been known to cause serious lasting fatigue.
Cleaning out such cavitations can improve your well-being dramatically.
A note on root canals: Root canals can become a source of sickness in the body. During a root canal
operation, the center of the tooth including the nerve is drilled out, leaving behind what is really a dead
tooth. The dead tooth may become subject to attack by bacteria that try to eat it away (which is their job).
The tooth may become infected, but since there is no nerve left there will also be no pain. Even such
minor infections can progressively weaken the immune system and undermine the most basic functions in
the body. Pulling a root canal filled tooth is a bit complicated, besides being more expensive, since the
tooth will have to be replaced with some kind of bridge. But the alternative (leaving it as is) may end up
causing you more harm.

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