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A fascinating study showed that happy people are the least likely to catch colds, regardless how often
you expose them to a cold virus. Also, people who are in love show a higher resistance to disease. To
create a positive state of health can be a powerful happiness-generating event. Happiness returns
spontaneously in a person who, suffering from a cold or a disease, starts to feel better again. Happiness
and health are attractive to us; disease is not. Unhappy people can never be truly healthy, just as unhealthy
people can rarely be truly happy. A person who suffers from cancer and learns to apply the methods of
regaining his happiness described in this book may suddenly cure himself, but if he continues hating his
mother, father or ex-spouse, then even these or similar therapies are bound to be unsuccessful in the long
run. By focusing on disease or negativity in life, one remains trapped in unresolved and continuous cycles
of anger and conflicts. This, in turn, will have a powerful immune-suppressive effect and prevent true
healing from taking place. The focus on the destructive characteristics of a disease—widely known as
symptoms of disease—cannot serve as a source of inspiration to bring about a real healing response and
an ever-evolving state of health. There is, in fact, little to be gained from a fascination with disease,
including its diagnosis. In contrast, there is everything to be gained from a fascination with health.
The human body has no built-in programs for sickness, but it has many programs to maintain a state
of perfect equilibrium or balance, and if balance is lost, to return to it. It is the nature of the human being
to be healthy, but it is up to us to set the preconditions for these programs to work efficiently. To repeat,
healing is absent when happiness is absent. Bereaved persons, whose sense of joy has virtually become
non-existent, demonstrate this most clearly. Widows rank among the highest in the risk groups for cancer.
Sadness, because of the loss of a loved one, blocks a person’s normal immune response to fight cancer
cells, even though his or her T-cell count may be in the normal range. Major studies on heart disease have
shown that lack of happiness and job satisfaction head the list of risk factors for heart attacks; they are far
more endangering to our health than animal fats, alcohol and even cigarette smoking.
The main purpose of life is to increase happiness. Any action that deviates from our purpose and does
not support this most basic principle of life is destined to fail or generate impediments—problems that are
designed to lead us back to the path of happiness. This is as true for the field of health as it is for every
other area in life. Most of the advice given in this book has an uplifting or a clarifying effect, thus
providing a solid foundation for creating and maintaining good health. The liver and gallbladder flush
described in chapter seven, which can remove hundreds of gallstones from these important organs within
a few hours, can by itself trigger waves of utter wellness and eliminate deep-seated anger and frustration.
The clearing of severely blocked ducts and channels of circulation in the body can have truly blissful
effects and most certainly change one’s priorities in life. With the continued improvement of your health,
you may find yourself entering a state of completeness where the pieces of the puzzle of life will naturally
fit into their designated places.
As you read about the various ways of improving your physical health, try to remember that they
are closely tied to your mental and emotional well-being. If you suffer from a particular illness like
cancer, heart disease or AIDS, apart from dealing with the physical aspect of the imbalance, you will also
need to attend to its mental and emotional counterparts. Disease is not something that you just “catch.”
Instead, it is something you create by repeatedly setting up the same limitations that prevent your body
and mind from being in their naturally balanced states.
You don’t need to receive permission from anyone or from any government agency to improve your
health because this is your natural birthright. The advice given in this book is not meant for curing
diseases because it is not disease that needs curing; it is the suffering person who needs to become whole,
happy and vital again. You can never really cure a disease because disease only occurs when health is no
longer being created or when you are no longer in tune with your inner purpose, your natural sense of
joyful existence, and the world around you. However, once you have allowed balance to return to your

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