
(avery) #1

Keep in mind that the MMS solution is the most powerful health solution ever developed and it will
indeed do exactly what is described here.” For more information about MMS, see Some Of Nature’s
Greatest Healing Secrets, in this chapter.

Soladey’s Dental Solution

I personally use a Soladey toothbrush to clean my teeth. Soladey has a patented design that is
scientifically and clinically proven to significantly eliminate plaque more effectively than your regular
toothbrush, without the use of toothpaste or dental floss. Soladey features a Titanium Oxide (TIO2) metal
rod, which is sensitive to light. It creates a natural ionic chemical reaction that separates the plaque from
your teeth enamel and removes tobacco, coffee and other stains using the natural attraction of ions. You
might have heard of a room ionizer that also produces ions. Plaque has particles with a positive charge—
positive ions, when the Titanium Rod reacts with light; it creates negative ions that attract the positive
ions, like a magnet. The plaque just disintegrates and falls off your teeth washing away when your rinse.
Other stains are sucked right out of your teeth using this process.
There have been four clinical trials at four different dental universities in Canada and Japan, and they
all found that the people who used Soladey had significantly less plaque on their teeth compared to the
people who used the ordinary brush. The research also showed an improvement in gingivitis. So Soladey
works to protect your gums— as well as reducing plaque.
The scientific principals behind Soladey have been around since the 1970s and Soladey has now been
sold in Japan for a few years—where it sells two million brush units and five million replacement heads
every year. Clinical studies on the effectiveness of Soladey technology to remove dental plaque have been
conducted at Osaka Dental University, Nippon Dental University, Nihon University and the University of
Saskatchewan in Canada. All institutions certify that Soladey was more effective in the removal of plaque
and whitening of dental enamel than any regular bristle toothbrush on the market today. (See Product
Information or visit http://www.ener-chi.com/soladey.htm.))

Find a dentist who practices toxic-free dentistry at http://www.hugnet.com/
Essential dental health information at: http://mizar5.com/omedia2.htm

How To Give Up Smoking And Other Addictions.

Addiction—An Unconscious Signal Of Not Being In Control

If you are substance-addicted, this may be accompanied or caused by the inability to fulfill one or more
of your deepest desires. Although unconscious of it, you may have this idea that there is a power beyond
your control that stops you from achieving your dreams, big or small. You may even admit self-defeat by
maintaining the belief that it is just too difficult for you to give up old habits like smoking, drinking
alcohol or eating addictive foods.
Many smokers argue that they cannot quit smoking if they constantly see other people smoking. Others
do not want to face the possibly unbearable withdrawal symptoms that often accompany a sudden
abstinence from smoking. Quite a lot of people managed to quit smoking, but when they suddenly put on
a lot of weight, they resumed the habit.
Most smokers who wish to end their addiction feel that they don’t have enough willpower to stop
smoking. Why are we giving a small cigarette such great power that it is able to rule over our freedom to
make conscious choices in our life? Smoking, like any other addictive habit, is merely a symptom of an

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