
(avery) #1

showed higher levels in all 21 of the examined nutrients. For example, the vitamin C and magnesium
levels in the organic foods were 27 percent and 29 percent higher, respectively, compared to the non-
organic samples. The study also showed minerals to be significantly higher in organic spinach, potatoes,
cabbage, and lettuce.
So, if you have a choice, choose organic foods over chemically treated foods. This may burden your
budget somewhat, but lift the burden on your stomach.

Cinnamon—Medicine For Diabetics

Who would have thought that this culinary spice possesses numerous profound healing properties!
Taking one-quarter to one-half teaspoon of cinnamon works just as well as the statin drugs in lowering
cholesterol and triglycerides as well as blood glucose. Plus, you can get a pound of cinnamon for less than
$5, and save yourself dreadful side effects.
According to research conducted by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, cinnamon helps to control
blood sugar levels in type 2 diabetics. Ground cinnamon helps stimulate the production of glucose-
burning enzymes and boosts insulin's effectiveness. In one study, cinnamon made insulin 20 times more
capable of breaking down blood sugars. To benefit type 2 diabetes you will need to eat about ½ teaspoon
of ground cinnamon per day. [According to other research, diabetics also benefit from ground fenugreek,
turmeric, ginger, bitter melon extract, bilberry extract and gymnema sylvestre extract; the latter has been
shown to heal damaged pancreas cells.] Cinnamon has also been shown to lower triglycerides and
cholesterol levels, and to prevent and improve heart disease.
More recent research shows that cinnamon does more than just ward off diabetes and heart disease. It

  • supports digestive function;

  • constricts and tones tissues;

  • relieves congestion;

  • alleviates pain, inflammation, and stiffness of muscles and joints;

  • eases menstrual discomfort;

  • stimulates circulation;

  • neutralizes destructive bacteria, including E. coli.

Cinnamon also makes you smarter. In a study testing cognitive abilities, participants were given
cinnamon, both orally and nasally. The conclusion of the study was that cinnamon is effective in
enhancing cognitive functions. Cinnamon also reportedly scores high as an aphrodisiac for males.
So whether you use cinnamon to improve your health, your mental capacity, your love life, or all of the
above, it makes good sense to include cinnamon in your diet whenever possible. You may add it to your
cereals, vegetables or favorite beverage, such as herbal tea.
Scientists have also discovered that curry powder (mainly turmeric, cumin, cardamom, coriander,
ginger, red pepper, fenugreek and fennel) with cinnamon, bay leaves and cloves triples the effectiveness
of insulin. What a delicious way to help diabetes and numerous other disorders!

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