
(avery) #1

Medicine Of The Highest Caliber

The following is a list of ailments that South American doctors found were helped by Lapacho:

  • Anemia Tonic

  • Asthma Ulcers

  • Arteriosclerosis

  • Blood builder

  • Bronchitis

  • Cancer

  • Cystitis

  • Diabetes

  • Gastritis

  • Hernias

  • Infectious diseases

  • Leukemia

    • Liver ailments

    • Osteomyelitis

    • Psoriasis

    • Pyorrhea

    • Parkinson’s disease

    • Ringworm

    • Rheumatism

    • Skin problems

    • Varicose veins

    • Venereal diseases

    • Wounds

Further research showed that Lapacho is also helpful in colds, influenza, gonorrhea, polyps, prostate
infection and enlargement, tuberculosis, growths, multiple sclerosis, typhus, dizziness, impotence, hair
loss, boils, snake bites, food allergies, and chemical allergies. When applied topically, it can help against
dandruff, eczema and skin cancer. Scientists believe that Lapacho may even have potential in the
treatment of AIDS. Aveloz is a herbal remedy which when used in combination with Lapacho is capable
of practically breaking down cancer cells while Lapacho itself addresses more the cause of the disease.
The fascinating revelation about the properties of Lapacho is that there has never been any record in
medical research of an antibiotic chemical agent capable of destroying both bacteria and viruses. Any
other known type of vegetation when exposed to water and the weather is eventually covered with spores
that lead to the formation of fungus. This does not occur in the case of Lapacho, indicating an uncommon
resistance. Following are the known properties of Lapacho:

  • ANALGESIC—agent that diminishes pain without the loss of consciousness

  • SEDATIVE—agent that alleviates nervousness, irritation and distress

  • DECONGESTANT—agent that relieves congestion throughout the body

  • DIURETIC—agent used to stimulate secretion and the flow of urine

  • HYPOTENSIVE—powerful nervine relaxant that induces sleep when necessary

  • VIRUCIDAL—agent capable of destroying a virus

The dramatic cures caused by Lapacho in Brazil were so astounding that the government of Brazil
began to study and confirm its healing properties. Research at the University of Illinois, U.S.A, supports
the research in Brazil, and the claim that Lapacho does indeed contain a substance to be highly effective
against cancers. Dr. Teodoro Meyer of the State University of Tucuman, Argentina, was the first
researcher to discover an antibiotic substance, called Zyloiden, that he found is capable of killing viruses.
Lapachol, the main ingredient of the herb, also was discovered to have powerful antitumoral action
without toxic side effects. The antineoplastic activity was confirmed in 1968 when the use of Lapachol on
rats carrying Yashida’s Sarcoma inhibited the growth of the tumors in 84 percent of the animals treated
with high doses.

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