
(avery) #1

(doctor of naturopathic medicine) who is knowledgeable about nutrition and its effects on the body’s
endocrine glands.

Gingko Biloba—Brain Food; And Coenzyme Q10

I also recommend Gingko Biloba, available at most health food stores. Guarana and Gingko seem to
complement each other. Gingko is considered brain food. It apparently increases blood flow to the brain,
thereby improving memory and brain function. It is known to improve all kinds of circulatory problems
and it especially increases blood flow to the heart, extremities, skin, eyes, inner ear and other organs.
Gingko is known to relieve anxiety and depression, vertigo, headaches, tinnitus, PMS, asthma, allergy
symptoms, and hepatitis. It is also a natural mood-enhancer.
More than 300 studies by 200 scientists in 18 countries have proven that Coenzyme Q10 can help
lower your blood pressure, revive a failing heart, and strengthen your immune system. The problem is to
find a supplement that can actually be absorbed by the body; most powder or liquid forms on the market
have a very low absorption rate. Since CoQ10 is a fat-soluble nutrient, it requires a fat-soluble medium to
digest and absorb it. You may search the Internet for one that includes fat molecules in the capsules, such
as, Ultimate CoQ10 Formula™.

Aloe Vera—An Ancient Healer

Throughout the ages, aloe vera has been known as the “medicine plant,” “burn plant,” “first-aid plant,”
or “miracle plant.” Even today, aloe vera is one of the most effective plants for treating burns, healing
wounds and relieving aches and pains. It is recommended for psoriasis, where, when used regularly, it
reduces scaling and itching and greatly improves appearance.
Aloe vera became very popular for its use in combating the severe burning effects caused by x-rays
and nuclear disasters. Radiation burns cause skin ulcerations that had been nearly incurable until
physicians began trying the old folk remedy of the aloe vera leaf.
Today, aloe vera has gained such great popularity that it is being used in many cosmetics and health
products. Aloe vera juice that is taken internally has been found to be effective in almost every illness,
including cancer, heart disease and AIDS. In fact, there is hardly any disease or health problem for which
aloe vera has not been proven successful. It is helpful for all kinds of allergies, skin diseases, blood
disorders, arthritis, infections, yeast overgrowth, cysts, diabetes, eye problems, digestive disorders, ulcers,
liver diseases, hemorrhoids, high blood pressure, kidney stones and stroke, to name a few. Its use is most
beneficial if treatments are applied both internally and externally. Aloe vera contains over 200 nutrients,
including the vitamins B1, B2, B3, B6, C, E, Folic acid, iron, calcium, magnesium, zinc, manganese,
copper, barium, sulphate, 18 amino acids, important enzymes, glycosides, polysaccharides, etc.
There are an estimated 500 published independent research studies conducted by doctors and scientists
on the healing agent found in the aloe vera plant and it’s non-toxic benefits. That is many more studies
than one would find on any other natural substance, and hundreds of times the confirmation of safety and
effectiveness of any drug available.
Watch out for the frauds: Since the consumer market has created a great demand for aloe vera juice,
production is increasing rapidly. Unfortunately, many brands contain inadequate amounts of aloe vera
juice to be effective. According to the law, if you take a 10,000-gallon vat and put 9,999 gallons of water
in it and then add one gallon of aloe vera juice, you are allowed to advertise that it contains “100 percent
pure stabilized aloe vera.” You are not required to mention how much extra water has been added to the

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