
(avery) #1

that underlie and bring forth all physical manifestation. The letters of the ancient language vibrate at a
much higher level than our modern languages, and when combined to form whole words, they generate
feelings of peace and harmony (Santémony) to calm the storms of unrest, violence, and turmoil, both
internal and external.
In April 2002 I spontaneously began to chant sounds that are meant to improve certain health
conditions. These sounds resembled chants by Native Americans, Tibetan monks, Vedic pundits
(Sanskrit), and languages from other star systems (not known on planet Earth). Within two weeks, I was
able to bring forth sounds that would instantly remove emotional blocks and resistance or aversion to
certain situations and people, foods, chemicals, thought forms, beliefs, etc. The following are but a few
examples of what Sacred Santémony is able to assist you with:

⇒ Reducing or removing fear that is related to death, disease, the body, foods, harmful chemicals,
parents and other people, lack of abundance, impoverishment, phobias, environmental threats, the
future and the past, unstable economic trends, political unrest, etc.
⇒ Clearing or reducing a recent or current hurt, disappointment, or anger resulting from past emotional
trauma or negative experiences in life.
⇒ Cleansing of the Akashic Records (a recording in consciousness of all experiences the soul has
gathered throughout all life streams) from persistent fearful elements, including the idea and concept
that we are separate from and not one with Spirit, God, or our Higher Self.
⇒ Setting the preconditions for you to resolve your karmic issues, not through pain and suffering, but
through creativity and joy.
⇒ Improving or clearing up allergies and intolerances to foods, chemical substances, pesticides,
herbicides, air pollutants, radiation, medical drugs, pharmaceutical byproducts, etc.
⇒ Balancing the psycho-emotional root causes of any chronic illness, including cancer, heart disease,
MS, diabetes, arthritis, brain disorders, depression, etc.
⇒ Resolving other difficulties or barriers in life by helping to “convert” them into the useful blessings
that they really are.

(For more details, and to book a personal session with Andreas Moritz, visit his website or see contact
details at the end of the book.)

Beeswax—For Asthma, Allergies And Sinus Problems

Hundreds of years ago, most candles were made of beeswax. But over the past few centuries, beeswax
candles were gradually replaced by tallow candles (made from animal fat), and in the last century by
paraffin candles. Paraffin is made from the sludge that sits at the bottom of barrels of crude oil. The
sludge is then bleached with benzene and treated with other chemical solvents. When you burn paraffin
candles, they put out soot and smoke, along with toxins and carcinogens, including very harmful
chemicals dispersed by the commonly used lead-core wicks (as studied & reported by the University of
Michigan). You would probably never burn paraffin candles unless the bad smell they produce
(comparable to diesel fumes) were not covered up by synthetic fragrances, many of which are irritants or
toxins themselves. And if you had known that the soot, smoke and chemical residue from these candles
can stick to the walls, ceiling, and ventilation ducts and get circulated whenever you turn on your
healing/cooling system, you would probably never have lit them. Now you know. Pure beeswax candles

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