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cannot completely avoid living in a polluted environment, we still can reduce our direct exposure to it to
the least possible degree We have control over what we wear, eat, drink, put on our skin and hair, and
how much time we spend outside in the fresh air. [For more in-depth information on Electromagnetic
Fields please read the author’s book It’s Time to Come Alive.]

How To Avoid The Negative Effects Of Ley Lines

If you suffer from unexplainable recurring health problems such as headaches, irritability, depression
or any other persistent ailment, you may be working or sleeping on or above a ley line. Ley lines are a
source of potentially harmful “slow” frequency energy.
Slow frequency energies can easily infiltrate and distort the body’s electromagnetic field. Some of
these energies are generated outside our home and others originate from within our home or work
environment. These include geographic stress points, ley lines and distorted ground energies.
Sleeping on a ley line can be particularly harmful since such a source of energy can disrupt the body’s
biochemical processes and energy systems for as many as 8-10 hours each day. Disharmony in
relationships and diseases of body and mind are more likely to occur if you are exposed to such disruptive
energies for extended periods of time, such as several years. Genetic weaknesses or latent physical
problems can suddenly manifest themselves as migraines, ulcers, varicose veins or cancer. Placing a small
mirror that faces the current and direction of a ley line or moving the bed away from such a stress line can
lead to sudden recovery. The following are some examples of ley line problems that were resolved by
simply moving the bed:

  • A 55-year-old widow experienced an unexplainable loss of weight from 154 to 97 pounds within
    two years. She suffered from severe diarrhea, which became very painful and was accompanied with
    blood. All medical treatments failed. Her condition became life threatening. A search of ley lines in her
    house revealed two ley lines crossing her bed. The bed was moved by six feet. One week later her
    intestinal bleeding stopped. After one month all pain ceased and she steadily began to put on weight

  • A young woman had been suffering from severe nightmares and sleeping problems for many years.
    After moving her bed sideways by 1.5 feet, her nightmares stopped and sleep returned back to normal.

  • A 40-year-old businessman had a chronic heart complaint with heart cramping, panic attacks and
    circulatory problems. All complaints spontaneously disappeared within two weeks after his bed was
    moved away from a ley line.

Over the past few years I have visited many homes and offices where ley lines have caused physical
and psychological problems. In most cases, just placing a small mirror to neutralize the effects of a ley
line, or slightly moving the bed or office chair, led to marked improvements of these conditions, and in
some cases even to complete recovery. I consider it important to have one’s home or working place
checked for such disturbances as they may not only contribute to ill health but also cause it. There are an
increasing number of experts who are able to identify the exact position of ley lines, although the method
of mirror placement is less known. You may contact your nearest center for alternative therapies; they
may be able to put you in touch with a reliable and trustworthy ley line specialist. If in doubt, whether or
not a ley line affects your health, you may move your bed and/or desk chair by one to two feet for a few
days. If this makes a difference in how you feel, you have given yourself a great gift of health.

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