
(avery) #1

  1. Avoid making physical wellness your goal in life; instead, let it be your process each moment.
    Seeing health as being a goal you have to fight for implies the idea that there is something fundamentally
    wrong with you. For example, if you suffer from pain, don’t perceive this as a sign of sickness, but rather
    as a healthy response by your body to deal with an imbalanced situation. Sickness is but a process of
    healing that the body is going through. Trying to escape the present and reach a better future merely
    drains your energies, which makes it difficult for the body to heal itself. Being well is a matter of being in
    the present moment, and not a fictional, futuristic dream. The current moment is the only sure thing you
    can possibly own in life, and it is perfectly suited for you, even if it doesn’t feel that way. If you resist or
    reject something such as an illness, you will be stuck with it until it is able to remove the fear that lurks
    behind your resistance. Accepting the illness, on the other hand, makes it useful for you, regardless of its
    appearance. Attending to your goal of becoming well some time in the future is unrealistic because it
    takes you outside the present reality into one that hasn’t happened yet. Life is not about attaining a
    perfect physical body, but being able to live perfectly well with its imperfections. This is true health.
    Energy follows thought. Living for a goal, such as trying to get rid of a disease, robs the body of your
    attention, and therefore, also of the energy necessary to heal and sustain itself. By living from moment to
    moment, your full attention is present in the body. This is all the cells of your body need to know and feel
    in order to do or resume the job assigned to them. Cells that are “fed” with loving, caring attention
    believe that you are present and alive. By contrast, cells that are being attacked for “making you suffer,”
    either through harsh words, anger, and threats or drugs, surgery, and radiation, are paralyzed in their
    healing capacity because they believe you dislike or hate them and want them to die. Cells are living,
    conscious beings just like you are. By attending to the present moment of being ill without any judgments,
    but with loving acceptance, you automatically program your cells to carry out a healing response.

Multi-Purpose Healing Bath With Salt


  • Place a cup of pure sea salt (or Himalayan salt) into a cooking pot (Pyrex glass or stainless steel)
    and heat it on low heat over the stovetop.

  • While heating the salt, gently and continuously stir, preferably with a wooden utensil (the salt will
    become hot). Make sure to keep the heat on low. The heat will break the capsule of energy that is
    inside the salt and release it. This may take about 10 minutes. If you are sensitive to energies, you
    will notice when the capsule of energy will be opened and released. At this point, turn off the heat,
    remove the pot from the stovetop and empty the salt into a small glass bowl (must be glass).

  • Now pour some water into the bowl while gently moving the salt around in the bowl. Stir for
    about 5-10 seconds.

  • Fill your bathtub (or Jacuzzi) with warm water, and then empty the glass bowl with the moistened
    salt into the bathtub. Move the bathwater with your hands. Make sure that no one except you
    touches the bathwater.

  • In addition to the above, add a little salt (1/2 teaspoon) to a glass or bowl of water (4-6 ounces)
    and place it near the tub where you can easily reach it while taking the bath. Then enter the
    bathtub and stay there for half an hour (30 minutes). When you are inside the tub, relax and
    visualize how the energy coming from the salt embraces you, enters your cells, atoms, aura,
    mind, etc, thereby cleansing your thoughts, feelings, and physical body. Keep your feet and neck
    submerged in the water.

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