
(avery) #1

  • Discordant, harmful energies will start coming out of you. Perhaps you will feel some dizziness or
    pain; that is good. These are things coming out of you; sometimes they can be heavy and
    uncomfortable. Be prepared for this, in case it happens.

  • If at any time you feel that something heavy or dark is coming out of you, place one of your hands
    over the glass of salt next to you until this feeling or sensation has passed. The salt in the glass of
    water will absorb these energies.

  • Once you have finished your bath, pour the saltwater that you have kept in the glass next to you
    into the toilet. Wash the bowl and empty your tub. Make certain the entire tub is clean and no salt
    residue remains.

  • You may repeat this healing bath anytime you feel the need for it. You may also use salt for other
    situations. It is good to keep a plate or small bowl of glass with salt in the place where you work
    or spend a lot of time. Because salt absorbs negative energies, it is important to change it, ideally,
    every day. Avoid covering the glass. If you wish, you can communicate with the salt molecules
    using your mind, and order them to absorb any discordant energies that may be present in your
    home, office, etc. Salt has an amazing power that most people are not aware of.

  • If placed around the house, salt keeps harmful energies at bay. You can also purify
    objects (including cloth) by submerging them in saltwater for a little while.

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