
(avery) #1

  • improves the body’s resistance to infections due to an increase of lymphocytes and phagocytic index
    (the average number of bacteria ingested per leukocyte of the patient's blood)

  • enhances the oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood

  • increases sex hormones

  • improves resistance of the skin to infections

  • raises one’s tolerance to stress and reduces depression

Sunlight not only purifies seawater to a depth of 12 feet, but it also disinfects the skin from harmful
germs. The longer the ultraviolet wavelength, the deeper it penetrates the skin. At 290nm (one nanometer
or nm equals one billionth of a meter) about 50 percent of the ultraviolet light penetrates a little deeper
than to the superficial layers of the skin, whereas at 400nm, 50 percent reaches the deeper layers. The
deeper-reaching rays can even penetrate the brain. The human body was designed to absorb UV light for
very good reasons; otherwise we would have been born with a natural sunscreen for UV light on our skin
and in our eyes. One of the most important reasons is that UV radiation is necessary for normal cell
division. A lack of UV light disturbs normal cell growth, which can lead to cancer, as confirmed by Dr.
Shaw’s research. The use of sunglasses, including regular UV reflecting spectacles and contact lenses, are
co-responsible for certain degenerative eye diseases, such as macular degeneration. Most people who use
sunglasses report continuously weakening eyesight. The solution is to this problem is simple: Stop
wearing them. You will soon discover that your eyes are getting used to sunlight again. There are other
ways to improve eyesight and reduce sensitivity to sunlight. These include eye-exercise (see my book, It’s
Time to Come Alive), good nutrition (consisting of mostly alkaline-forming foods), and avoiding
eyestrain and watching too many hours of television.
Our typical indoor lifestyle, coupled with excessive overstimulation through highly acid-forming foods
and beverages, the cholesterol-increasing and dehydrating effects of television, and various other stress
factors, are sufficient cause for damage to body cells, including those that make up the eyes. By regularly
shutting out much-needed UV light (even children and some pets are given sunglasses to wear nowadays),
the eyes are unable to properly repair themselves and replace worn out eye cells. The increased incidence
of blindness and eye diseases in the industrialized world may result, to a large extent, from the
misinformation that the sun is dangerous. Please be aware that in sunny parts of the world almost
everyone wears sunglasses nowadays. This may very well account for the increase of cataracts in these
places. There may also be other factors involved, such as malnutrition (diarrhea can lead to severe
demineralization), smoking, pollution, and poor diet. To keep your eyes healthy, be sure to allow enough
direct or indirect sunlight to enter your eyes, ideally no less than one hour every day.
The reason so many people are attracted to being in the sun or long for it when it doesn’t shine is
inherent in the natural instinct of the body to expose itself to the healing and cleansing properties of
sunlight. Without being tricked into overexposure by “protective” sunscreens, the body will naturally
know how much sunlight is good for its balanced growth. And even if circumstances lead to sunburn, the
human body is perfectly equipped to handle that.
Chemical interference in this process of self-protection, however, can have serious consequences. By
regularly using any of the following drugs or chemicals internally or externally, both skin and eyes
become oversensitive to sunlight, and the skin may badly burn, even after a few minutes of exposure.
Among these are antibacterial agents such as Sulfa; the aforementioned PABAs and other sun lotion
ingredients; hypoglycemic agents used by diabetics; diuretics for control of high blood pressure;
tranquillizers and anti-depressants; broad-spectrum antibiotics; anti-arrhythmic Quinidine used to
suppress abnormal heart rhythms; halogenated, antiseptic compounds used in cosmetics; many types of

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