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soaps; synthetic ingredients in most commercial beauty products^26 ; and antihistamines used for colds and
In addition, gallstones in the liver prevent the liver from sufficiently detoxifying pharmaceutical
drugs, alcohol, and other noxious substances. Whatever the liver cannot remove from the blood, ends up
in the kidneys and skin. Once overburdened with these internal, highly acidic toxins, the skin becomes
vulnerable to the natural elements, including sunlight. Skin cancer and cataracts only occur if the liver is
and the blood vessel walls are congested.
It is much easier to treat the cause of a physical problem than to suppress its symptoms. If you are
taking any of the above drugs and wish to treat the cause rather than the effect of an illness, consult with
your doctor about how to phase them out gradually, cleanse your elimination organs, and at the same time
begin exposing your body to the sun, starting with one to two minutes and building up a few more
minutes each day. (See directions below) Make certain, though, that your skin doesn’t get burned. If you
wear sunglasses, expose your eyes to natural light for as long as it is comfortable. Gradually you will
wean yourself from sunglasses and no longer require them. To avoid dehydration of the skin, drink fresh
water before and after exposure to the sun.

Sunlight Prevents Cancer, Ms, Heart Disease, Arthritis, Diabetes

According to a study published in the prominent Cancer journal (March 2002; 94:1867-75)
insufficient exposure to ultraviolet radiation may be an important risk factor for cancer in Western Europe
and North America. The findings, covering mortality rates from cancer in North America, directly
contradict official advice about sunlight. The research showed that deaths from a range of cancers of the
reproductive and digestive systems were approximately twice as high in New England as in the
Southwest, despite a diet that varied little between the two regions.
An examination of 506 regions found a close inverse correlation between cancer mortality and levels
of UVB light. The likeliest mechanism proposed by scientists for a protective effect from sunlight is
vitamin D, which is synthesized by the body when exposed to ultraviolet B rays. According to the study’s
author, Dr William Grant, the northern parts of the United States may be dark enough during the winter
months that vitamin D synthesis shuts down completely.
While the study focused mainly on white Americans, it also found that the same geographical trend
affects black or darker skinned Americans, whose overall cancer rates are significantly higher. As
explained earlier, darker skinned people require more sunlight to synthesize vitamin D.
The study showed at least 13 malignancies affected by lack of sunlight, mostly reproductive and
digestive cancers. The strongest inverse correlation is with breast, colon, and ovarian cancer, followed by
tumors of the bladder, uterus, esophagus, rectum, and stomach.

The Sun Cuts Cancer Risk By Half Or More!

In the 1940s, Frank Apperly demonstrated a link between latitude and deaths from cancer. He
suggested that sunlight provided people with a relative cancer immunity. This is now a proven fact.
According to two recent studies conducted at the University of San Diego, increasing blood levels of

(^26) Women who use synthetic make-up products on a daily basis can absorb up to 5 pounds of chemicals into their bodies each
year. These chemicals are absorbed straight into the blood and enter the soft tissues of organs. Side effects range from skin
irritation to cancer. The National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health stated nearly 900 of the chemicals used in
cosmetics are toxic. One class of cosmetic chemicals are parabens, which have been linked to cancer.

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