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don’t exercise. The same happens to a person who is on a regular fitness program. But if sun exposure and
exercise are combined, muscular tone and muscular strength increase much more than if either one is used
In the male physiology, muscular development is linked to the production of the male hormone,
testosterone. The old Greek practice of exercising nude on a warm sandy beach was used to develop a
healthy muscular body. When sunlight falls on any part of the body, testosterone production increases
substantially, but when it strikes the male genitals directly, secretion of the hormone is greatest. A study
at Boston State Hospital proved that ultraviolet light increases the level of testosterone by 120 percent
when the chest or back is exposed to sunlight. The hormone, however, increases by a whooping 200
percent when genital skin is exposed to the sun!
Regular sunbathing increases the strength and size of all muscle groups in the male physique. The
combination of sun and exercise is, therefore, ideal to develop a strong and healthy body with optimal
reproductive abilities. Given these findings, it may well be that constant lack of sun exposure along with
physical congestion, is the main cause of the increased infertility problems among the city populations in
the world. If you want to improve your sex life or fertility rates, rather than using one of the currently
available costly treatments and risking your health due to their serious side effects, I would recommend
that you first try the sun.
Women, of course, benefit from sunlight, too. Their levels of female hormones rise when they are
exposed to particularly one specific portion of UV light, i.e., 290-340 nanometers (UVB), which is
assumed to be dangerous and useless. Women who have only very little exposure to sunlight often suffer
from menstrual problems or have no menstrual periods at all. They can re-establish a healthy menstrual
cycle by sunbathing regularly and spending several hours of the day outdoors. Normalization of the
menstrual cycle can occur within a few weeks after starting sunlight therapy.
In addition to assisting with the regulation of the menstrual cycle, sunlight therapy can also help those
who suffer from high blood pressure. Several independent studies have demonstrated that hypertensive
patients who followed a vigorous exercise program for six months lowered their blood pressure by 15
percent, whereas those who had one single exposure to the ultraviolet light of the sun had markedly lower
blood pressure readings for five to six days. Exercising in the sun could, therefore, be one of the best non-
medical treatments for hypertension, cost-free and without any side effects. At the same time, both
exercise and sunbathing increase the heart’s efficiency, which is measured by the amount of blood
pumped by the heart at each beat. A single exposure to the ultraviolet rays of the sun increases heart
efficiency by an average of 39 percent, again lasting for as long as five to six days. Such an approach
could effectively replace drugs currently used to stimulate the heart. It should be noted that sunlight does
not act like a drug that merely suppresses the symptoms of disease but rather restores balance in body and
Diabetics, too, can benefit from exercise and sunlight. Their blood sugar levels drop when they
exercise or sunbathe. A single exposure to sunlight stimulates the production of the enzyme
phosphorylase, which decreases the amount of stored glycogen. Two hours after sun exposure, another
enzyme, glycogen synthesize, increases storage of glycogen in the tissues, while lowering blood sugar
levels. Thus, sunlight acts just like insulin. The effect may last for days. It is important for diabetics to
know that they may need to adjust their insulin dose and should, therefore, regularly consult their doctor
while gradually increasing their body’s exposure to sunlight.
Furthermore, both sunlight and exercise have beneficial effects on reducing stress levels. These
include a decrease of nervousness, anxiety, and emotional imbalance; an increase of stress tolerance, self-
confidence, imagination, and creativity; positive changes in personality and moods; and a reduction of

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