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unhealthy habits such as cigarette smoking and alcoholism. Studies from Russia also show that duodenal
ulcers greatly improve through regular exposure to the sun.
American research found that when exposure to sunlight was added to fitness programs, subjects had
a 19 percent increase in performance as measured by physical fitness tests. In addition, those exposed to
UV light had 50 percent fewer incidences of colds than those who weren't. Their immune systems were
maintained at a high level of efficiency. Also, children who received extra UV light during wintertime had
a marked increase in physical fitness. Taking a vacation to a sunny locale, for example, can help balance
the immune system during wintertime. Spending some time outside every day, even if it is cold, also
helps to fill one's UV requirements. UV lamps can also be very useful. The UV Lamp Module sold on Dr.
Mercola's website, http://www.mercola.com, produces hydroxyl radicals and other elements that neutralize
toxins and effectively destroy microbes up to .001 microns that come in contact with its powerful UV-C
And if you are on pain medication, check this out: A recent hospital study found that patients in
sunnier rooms needed fewer painkillers than patients in darker rooms. In fact, they were able to cut their
drug costs by 21 percent.

What Makes The Sun So “Dangerous”—The Fat Connection!

Sunlight is most beneficial for those who eat a balanced diet according to their individual
requirements and body type. Sunbathing may be dangerous, however, for those who live on a diet rich in
acid-forming, highly processed foods and refined fats or products made with them. Alcohol, cigarettes,
and other mineral and vitamin depleting substances, such as allopathic and hallucinogenic drugs, can also
make the skin highly vulnerable to ultraviolet radiation. In particular, polyunsaturated fats as contained in
refined and vitamin E depleted products, such as thin vegetable oil, mayonnaise, salad dressings, and most
brands of margarine, pose a particularly high risk in the development of skin cancer and most other
cancers. According to Archives of Internal Medicine, 1998, polyunsaturated fats increase a woman’s risk
of breast cancer by 69 percent. In contrast, monounsaturated fats, as found in olive oil, reduce breast
cancer risk by 45 percent.
Untreated, expeller-pressed oils contain both types of fats, with varying ratios. Both kinds of fat are
useful for the body. Sesame oil, for example has 50 percent polyunsaturated fats and 50 percent
monounsaturated fats. If the monounsaturated fats are removed from the oil through the refining process,
its polyunsaturated fats become highly reactive and damaging to cells.
This phenomenon is quite easy to understand. Polyunsaturated fats are more vulnerable to lipid per-
oxidation (rancidity) than monounsaturated fats. In other words, they rapidly attract a large number of
oxygen free radicals and become oxidized. Oxygen radicals are generated when oxygen molecules lose an
electron. This makes them highly reactive. These free radicals may quickly attack and damage cells,
tissues, and organs. They can be formed in refined, polyunsaturated fats when these are exposed to
sunlight before consumption. Free radicals may also form in the tissues after the oil has been eaten. The
polyunsaturated fats in refined oils are difficult to digest, since they are deprived of their natural bulk and
are no longer protected against free radicals by their natural protector, vitamin E, a powerful anti-oxidant
(vitamin E interferes with the oxidation process). Vitamin E and many other valuable nutrients are filtered
out or destroyed during the refining process. Eating a hamburger and French fries can flood your body
with free radicals. Both foods are heated with refined oils. Heating these oils greatly in-creases their
oxidation and, therefore, tissue-damaging effects.
Most people have no idea what happens to the oil when it is extracted from a nut or seed. To extend
the oil’s shelf life, create a clear color and remove its natural scent, it is bathed in a petroleum solvent,

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