
(avery) #1

If you want to help a sick person but do not know how, hold his/her hand in yours or gently hold or
massage his/her feet. This does more to help the person's condition than any amount of sympathetic words
could do. The body remembers a loving touch more vividly than spoken words and it reproduces the same
drugs whenever it links into the "touching" feeling through remembering. Heart patients especially need
to feel that they are loved and cared for because their hearts have lost the sweetness of life that is naturally
present in a committed and loving relationship where emotional exchange is most common. Many heart
disease victims isolated themselves from such intimacy before they became ill, by overloading themselves
with work, commitments, deadlines and too many social engagements. By rediscovering the secrets of
loving touch, they can once again connect to the circuit of love that supplies the only frequency the heart
needs in order to function properly and efficiently, that is, the love frequency.
If it is impossible for you to have a meaningful loving exchange with other human beings, you may
consider getting pet. Pets can open your heart and make you feel better about yourself. They have been
known to lower blood pressure and reduce the risk of suffering a heart attack. This is called “pet therapy.”
Psychiatrists have added pet therapy to their treatment repertoire. Therapy pets are now are used in
schools, mental institutions, nursing homes, rehabilitation facilities and children’s hospitals.
Loving touch opens the heart. It is the kind of touch that gives without expecting anything in return. It
is the kind of touch that can create miracles. Each one of us has this healing gift; it is only a matter of
acknowledging that you have it, which is a prerequisite for being able to use it. Give your touch freely and
without reservations, for it is one of the few gifts that can make you truly happy, too. It may feel nice to
be loved by someone, but it is most important to express love to others, in whatever form is possible. You
always have the choice to touch someone with your kindness, generosity, and honesty and feel so much
better for it. This opens your heart. Only a closed heart can be broken or attacked. Living your whole life
without the danger of suffering a heart attack is more your choice than something that just happens to you.
Take care of your heart and it will take care of you.

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