
(avery) #1

Cancer—A Response To Rejection

Jeromy has Hodgkin’s disease, which is the most common lymphoma. Lymphomas are malignant
neoplasms of lymphoid tissue that vary in growth rate, also known as lymph cancer. Contemporary
medicine has no explanation as to what causes the disease. Hodgkin’s disease usually begins in
adolescence or between 50 and 70 years of age.
When Jeromy was 22 years old, he noticed two enlarged lymph nodes in his neck. A few days later, he
was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s disease. In some people, the disease leads to death within a few months,
but others have few signs of it for many years. Jeromy was one of them. Being a Kapha type^35 , he has a
very athletic and strong body and is naturally endowed with a lot of stamina and physical endurance. His
naturally slow metabolic rate can be considered responsible for the slow advancement of the illness.
Jeromy received his first chemotherapy treatment in 1979, soon after diagnosis of the lymphoma, but
there was no detectible improvement of his condition. In 1982, his doctors added multiple radiation
treatments to the regular chemotherapy, but these produced severe side effects, including loss of all body
hair and his sense of taste. His distress was considerable. Yet, despite the traumatic experiences caused by
the various treatments during the following fourteen years, Jeromy was not willing to give into depression
and desperation. His strong fighting spirit permitted him to continue his work as a general manager of a
successful business enterprise.
Through the Ayurvedic Pulse Reading method and Eye Interpretation (Iridology)^36 I was able to
determine that from a very early age Jeromy’s digestive functions and lymph drainage had begun to
decline rapidly. His liver showed presence of a large number of intrahepatic stones. As it turned out,
Jeromy went through a very traumatic experience when he was four years old, although at first he had
difficulties remembering it. According to Jeromy, the most traumatic event for him occurred at age 21
when his long-term girlfriend suddenly left him for another man. Exactly one year before she left him he
discovered the lymph swellings in his neck. The rejection by his girlfriend was one of the most heart-
breaking experiences of his life. Yet this experience merely triggered the memory of an even more
traumatic rejection.

Fighting The Ghost Of Memory

Jeromy was born in a developing country with an unstable political situation. When he reached the age
of four, his parents sent him to a boarding school in another developing country, for his own safety.
Unable to understand the reasons behind this move, he felt that his parents had stopped loving him and no
longer wanted him around. All he remembers is the feeling of being cut off from what he considered his
lifeline—the closeness with his parents. Although his parents believed that sending him away was in
Jeromy’s best interest, he suddenly lost the love of the most important people in his life, at an age when
he needed it most. His little world had collapsed on this first “black” day in his life, and his body’s main
functions subsequently began to decline.
Jeromy dedicated the major part of his life trying to prove to his parents that he was worthy of their
love. He was not aware, however, of his incessant drive to succeed in life. He proudly told me that he
never gives up in life and that he would not allow anything to get him down. One part of him never

(^35) See details about the Ayurvedic body types, Vata, Pitta and Kapha, in chapters 5 and 6. The Kapha type has the strongest
bones and muscles among all the types.
(^36) Diagnostic methods used to determine any existing imbalances in the body and mind.

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