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acknowledged that he was gravely ill. His physical appearance, except for being bald, would not reveal
the battle his body was fighting. He spent all his energy and time in his work and he was very good at it.
To heal himself physically, though, Jeromy needed to become aware of the “rejected child” within
him. He had buried that part of him in the most hidden depths of his subconscious when he was four years
old, and a second time, when he was 21 years old and his girlfriend left him. This second rejection further
amplified the already profound deep hurt caused by what he considered a rejection by his parents.
The body stores all experiences we have in some kind of invisible “filing cabinets.” Accordingly, all
the feelings of anger we have in life go into one file, sad events into another, and rejections are deposited
in yet a different file, and so on. These impressions are not recorded and stored according to linear time,
but compiled in terms of similarity. They feed ‘the ghost of memory,’ and give it more and more energy.
Once a file is ‘filled up,’ even a small event can trigger a devastating eruption and awaken the ghost of
memory, thereby giving it a life of its own. This happened in Jeromy’s life.
The abandonment that Jeromy experienced as a four-year-old reawakened in his awareness when his
girlfriend left him. By ignoring or denying the fact that this rejection ever took place, he unconsciously
directed his body to create the identical response, which was a cancer in the very system that is
responsible for neutralizing and removing harmful waste in the body – the lymphatic system. Unable to
get rid of the ghost of memory, which consisted of deep-seated fear and anger from feeling abandoned,
Jeromy was also no longer able to free himself of dead, turned-over cells and metabolic waste products.^37
Both his liver and gallbladder had accumulated thousands of gallstones, which nearly suffocated him. His
body had no other choice, but to give physical expression to the cancer that had tortured his heart and
mind for so many years.

Letting Go Of The Need To Fight

All events in life that appear to be negative are in fact unique opportunities to become more complete
and whole inside, and to move forward in life. Whenever we need to give ourselves more love, time and
appreciation, but fail to fulfill these essential needs, there will be someone or something in our life that
pushes us in that direction. Feeling rejected by or being disappointed and angry with another person
highlights a lack in taking responsibility for the negative things that happen to us. Blaming someone else
or oneself for an unfortunate situation results in the feeling of being a victim of sorts and is likely to
manifest as disease. Moreover, if we cannot understand its accompanying message we may even have to
face death to appreciate life or living.
Cancer, in an unconventional way, is a way out of a deadlock situation that paralyses the heart of a
person. It helps to break down old rigid patterns of guilt and shame that keep it imprisoned and bound by
constant poor self-worthiness. The current medical approach does not target this major issue behind
cancer, but the ‘disease process’ does, provided it is allowed to take its course. Chemotherapy, radiation
and surgery encourage a victim mentality in the patient and are unlikely to heal the root causes of this
affliction. Miracle cures happen when the patient frees himself/herself of the need for victim-hood and
self-attack, and when external problems fail to have a major impact on the person's inner wellbeing and
self-acceptance. Just removing the external problems in life may not be sufficient to induce a spontaneous
Jeromy needed to give himself the love and appreciation he did not feel he was getting from his
parents. He also needed to make room for enjoyment and pleasure, and take time for himself, for

(^37) To be healthy, the human body has to remove daily over 30 billion dead, worn-out cells and a large amount of metabolic

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