
(avery) #1

meditation, for self-reflection, for being in nature and sensing the joy and energy it is able to evoke in us.
Cancer cells are cells fighting to survive in a ‘hostile,’ toxic environment. Letting go of the need to fight
in life reprograms the DNA of the body, changing its course of warfare and eventual annihilation to one
of healthy reproduction. Not needing to fight for their survival gives the cancer cells a chance to be
accepted again by the entire “family” of cells in the body. Cancer cells are normal cells that are rejected
by what they consider home. They are deprived of proper nourishment and support. In their desperation to
survive, they grab everything they can find to live on, even cellular waste products and toxins. This
practically turns them into ‘outcasts.’
However, just as we want to be loved, cancer cells also need to know that they are loved. Cutting them
out of the body through surgery, or destroying them with poisonous drugs or deadly radiation just adds
even more violence to the body than it already has to deal with. To live in health and peace, we especially
need to be friends with the cells of the body, including cancer cells. The saying, “love thy enemy” applies
to cancer cells just as it applies to people. Jeromy’s cause of cancer was a lack of self-appreciation, a
feeling of not being loved and wanted and not being worthy or good enough. By waiting for his parents to
show him their love, he effectively denied this love to himself. Jeromy realized that his disease was, in
fact, a great blessing in disguise that could help him find and love himself, for the very first time. If we
could only see that what we call disease is a perfect representation of our inner world, we would pay more
attention to what is going on inside rather than trying to fix something that does not really need fixing.
Cancer, as hard as this may be to understand, has profound meaning to it. Its purpose is not to destroy but
to heal what is not whole anymore.

Cancer Cannot Kill You

Cancer, like any other disease, is not a clearly definable phenomenon that suddenly and randomly
appears in some part(s) of the body like mushrooms popping up out of the ground. Cancer is rather the
result of many crises of toxicity that have as their common origin one or more energy-depleting
influences. Stimulants, emotional trauma, repressed emotions, irregular lifestyle, dehydration, nutritional
deficiency, overeating, stress reactions, lack of sleep, accumulation of heavy metals (especially from
metal fillings) and chemicals, etc. all hinder the body in its effort to remove metabolic waste, toxins and
30 billion dead cells each day. When these accumulate in any part of the body, they naturally lead to a
number of progressive responses that include irritation, swelling, hardening, inflammation, ulceration and
abnormal growth of cells. Like every other disease, cancer is but a toxicity crisis and marks the body’s
final attempt to rid itself of septic poisons and acidic compounds that result from not being able to
properly remove metabolic waste, toxins and putrefying dead cells in the body.
Cancer cannot be its own cause. Treating it as if it were its own cause is like cleaning a dirty pot with
filthy mud; it will never get clean. Of course, you can throw away the pot and thereby solve the problem,
but when it comes to preparing a new meal, you will face an even bigger problem: you have nothing to
cook your food in. Similarly, by killing the cancer we also kill the patient; perhaps not right away, but
Despite the huge effort and expenditure on behalf of the medical establishment, mortality rates from
cancer remain unchanged. Although radiation, chemotherapy drugs or surgery can certainly help
neutralize or eliminate a lot of the septic poison kept in check by a tumor mass and in a good number of
cases improve the condition, these procedures nevertheless fail to remove the cause(s) of cancer. A cancer
patient may return home after a “successful” treatment, relieved and obviously “cured,” but continue
depleting his body’s energy and gathering toxins as he did before. The immune system, already battered
by one traumatic intervention, may not make it through a second one. However, if the patient dies, it is

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