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not the cancer that killed him but its untreated cause(s). Given the extremely small remission rate for most
cancers (7%), the promises made to cancer patients that by destroying their tumors they will also be cured
are deceptive, to say the least. Patients are not being told what turns a normal, robust cell into a weak,
damaged and abnormal cell.
Tumor cells are cells that “panic” due to lack of food, water, oxygen, and space. Survival is their basic
genetic instinct, just as it is ours. To survive in such an acidic, unsupportive environment, the defective
cells are forced to mutate and begin devouring everything they can get hold of to sustain them, including
toxins. They leach more nutrients such as glucose, magnesium and calcium from the connective tissue
than they would need to if they were normally growing cells. Their healthier neighboring cells, however,
begin to gradually waste away in the process, and eventually an entire organ becomes dysfunctional due
to exhaustion, malnutrition or wasting. Cancerous tumors always look for more energy to divide and
multiply cells. Sugar is one of their favorite energy-supplying foods. Craving sugar reflects excessive cell
activity, and many people who eat lots of sugar end up growing tumors in their body.
It seems so obvious that the cancer cells must be responsible for the death of a person – the main
reason why almost the entire medical approach is so geared towards destroying them. However, cancer
cells are far from being the culprits, just as blocked arteries are not the real reason for heart disease. In
fact, cancer cells help a highly congested body survive a little longer than it would without them. In a
body filled with toxic waste, what possible reason could the immune system have to ignore cancer cells
that cluster together and form a tumor mass? Cancer cells are not at all vicious; in fact, they serve a good
purpose. You wouldn’t call a poisonous mushroom ‘vicious’ or ‘evil’ just because it could kill you if you
ate it, or would you? Those mushrooms in the forest that attract and absorb poisons from the soil, water
and air form an essential part of the ecologic system in our natural world. Although the cleansing effect
produced by the mushrooms is hardly noticeable, yet it allows for the healthy growth of the forest and its
natural inhabitants. It is not the primary choice of normal healthy cells to suddenly become ‘poisonous’ or
malignant, but it is the next best choice they have to avoid an immediate catastrophe in the body. If the
body dies, it is not because of cancer, but because of the reasons that lead up to it.

Cancer Is Not A Disease

To continue doing their increasingly difficult job, these tumor cells need to grow, even if it is at the
expense of other healthy cells. Without their activity, an organ may suddenly lose its already weakened
structure and collapse. Cancer theories make the assumption that cancer cells can leave a tumor site and
enter lymph fluid carrying them to other parts of the body. However, if this were true (which has never
been proved), it could only occur in parts of the body where there is an equally high concentration of
toxicity or acidosis. The “spreading” of cancer cells is known as metastasis. But to repeat, cancer cells are
programmed to settle only where there is a “fertile” ground of high toxicity (acidity)—a terrain in which
they can survive and continue their unusual rescue mission. They have mutated to be able to live in a
toxic, non-oxygenated environment, and to help neutralize at least some of the trapped metabolic waste,
such as lactic acid, uric acid, urea and ammonia (highly caustic and hazardous), as well as decomposing
cellular debris. Given these circumstances, it would be a fatal mistake by the immune system to destroy
these types of “estranged” cells as they are doing part of the immune system’s work. Without the tumor’s
presence, large amounts of septic poison resulting from the accumulated corpses of decomposing cells
would perforate the capillary walls, seep into the blood and kill the person within a matter of hours or
days. Cancer cells are still the body’s cells and if they were no longer needed, one simple command from
the DNA would stop them from behaving like senseless lunatics. Cancer cells are anything but senseless

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