
(avery) #1

The body has to exert a lot more effort in maintaining a tumor than eliminating it. If it were not forced
to use cancer growth as one of its last survival tactics, the body would opt for this final attempt of self-
preservation—final, because it could very well fail in its attempt to survive against the odds. As
mentioned before, most tumors (about 90-95%) appear and disappear completely on their own, without
any medical intervention. Millions of people walk around with cancers in their body and will never know
they had them. There is no other cancer treatment that can even closely compete with the body’s own
healing mechanism, which we unfortunately label as disease. Cancer is not a disease; it is a very unusual,
but apparently highly efficient mechanism of survival and self-protection.
We ought to give the most developed and complex system in the universe—the human body—a little
more credit than it has so far received, and trust that it knows perfectly well how to conduct its own
affairs, even under the grimmest of circumstances.

Cancer Is “Not Loving Yourself”

Many cancer patients have devoted their entire lives to helping and supporting others. Their selfless
service can be very a noble quality, depending on the motivation behind it. If they sacrifice and neglect
their own wellbeing to avoid facing any shame, guilt or unworthiness within them, they are actually
cutting off the very limb they are hanging on. They are ‘selflessly’ devoted to please others so that, in
return, they may be loved and appreciated for their contributions. This, however, serves as an unconscious
acknowledgement of not loving oneself. This may lock up unresolved issues, fears, and feelings of
unworthiness in the cellular memory of organs and tissues in the body.
“Love your neighbor as yourself” is one of the most basic requirements for curing cancer. This phrase
means that we can only love others as much as we are able to love and appreciate ourselves, no less and
no more. To be able to truly love someone without cords of attachment and possessiveness, one has to
fully accept oneself with all the flaws, mistakes and inadequacies one may have. The degree to which we
are able to care about the well-being of our body, mind, and spirit determines the degree to which we are
able to care about other people, too. By being critical of ourselves, or disliking the way we look behave,
or feel, we close down our heart and feel unworthy and ashamed. To avoid exposing our shadow self (the
part of us we do not like) to others out of fear of rejection, we try to win over the love of others by
pleasing them. This way, we assume, we can receive the love we are unable to give to ourselves.
However, this approach fails to work in the long term.
Your body always follows the commands given by your mind. Your thoughts, emotions, feelings,
desires, beliefs, drives, likes, dislikes, etc., serve as the software your cells are programmed with on a
daily basis. Through the mind/body connection, your cells have no other choice but to obey the orders
they receive via your subconscious or conscious mind. As DNA research has recently proved, you can
literally alter your DNA’s genetic setting and behavior within a matter of a moment. Your DNA listens to
every word you utter to yourself and it feels every emotion you experience. Moreover, it responds to all of
them. You program yourself every second of the day, consciously and unconsciously. If you choose to,
you can rewrite the program in any way you want to, provided you are truly self-aware. Once you know
who you truly are you cannot help but love yourself. You can no longer judge yourself for making
mistakes in life, for not being perfect, for not always being how others want you to be. Seeing yourself in
this light, you send a signal of love to your cells. The bonding effect of love unites differences and keeps
everything together, including the cells of your body. When love, which should not be confused with
neediness or attachment, is no longer a daily experience, the body begins to disintegrate and become sick.
It is the expansion of love that is the main purpose of our existence here on earth. Those who love
themselves are also able to love others and vice versa. These two aspects of love always go hand in hand.

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