
(avery) #1

People who accept themselves fully have no real fear of death; when their time comes to die, they leave
peacefully without any regrets or remorse in their hearts.
Whenever we close our hearts to ourselves, we become lonely, and the body begins to become weak
and diseased. It is known that widows and people who are socially isolated, or have nobody to share their
deepest feelings with, are the most prone to developing cancer.
Your body cells are the most intimate “neighbors” you can have and they need to feel your love and
self-acceptance, to know that they are a part of you and that you care about them. Giving yourself an oil
massage, going to sleep on time, eating nutritious foods, etc. are simple, but powerful messages of love
that motivate your cells to function in harmony with each other. They are also messages that keep
elimination of toxins flawless and efficient. There is nothing unscientific about this. You can go around a
number of hospitals and ask all the patients whether they felt good about their life prior to falling ill. The
overwhelming response would be a “no.” Without being a medical researcher, you would have conducted
one of the most important research studies anyone could ever do. You would have stumbled over the most
common cause of ill health, which is, “not loving yourself,” or, to use a different expression, "not being
happy about how your life turned out to be.” Not being happy or satisfied in life is perhaps the most
severe form of emotional stress you could possibly have. It is, in fact, a major risk factor for many
diseases, including cancer.
A recently published study suggests that severe emotional stress can triple the risk of breast cancer.
One hundred women who had a breast lump were interviewed before they knew that they had breast
cancer. One in two who had the disease had suffered a major traumatic life event, such as bereavement,
within the previous five years. The effects of emotional stress or unhappiness can severely impair
digestion, elimination, and immunity, thus leading to a dangerously high level of toxicity in the body. Just
ridding the body of cancer through ‘weapons of mass destruction’ doesn’t remove the unresolved
emotional pain behind it. (See Chapter 7 about my approaches for restoring emotional health.)

The Power Of Resolving Conflict Situations

Unresolved conflict is mostly likely the starting point of any illness, including cancer. The body
always uses the stress response to cope with the traumatizing effect of conflict. According to a study
released by the Journal of Biological Chemistry, March 12, 2007, the stress hormone epinephrine changes
prostate and breast cancer cells in ways that may make them resistant to cell death. The researchers found
that epinephrine levels increase sharply in response to stressful situations, and can remain continuously
elevated during long periods of stress or depression. They discovered that when cancer cells are exposed
to epinephrine, a protein called BAD, which causes cell death, becomes inactive. This means that
emotional stress may not only trigger or contribute to the development of cancer, but also undermine or
reduce the effectiveness of cancer treatments.
The German university professor, Ryke Geerd Hamer, M.D., discovered during routine CT scans of
over 20,000 cancer patients that each of them had a lesion in a certain part of the brain that looks like
concentric rings on a shooting target or like the surface of water after a stone has been dropped into it.
This distortion in the brain is known as “HAMER herd”. Dr Hamer, now living in Spain, found that these
lesions resulted from a serious, acute-dramatic and isolating conflict-shock-experience in the patient.
Whenever the conflict became resolved, the CT image changed, an edema developed, and finally scar
tissue formed. Naturally, the cancers would stop growing, become inactive and disappear.
Simply by helping patients to resolve their acute conflicts and supporting the body during this healing
phase, Dr Hamer achieved an exceptionally high success rate with his cancer therapy. According to public

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