
(avery) #1

To understand cancer and more successfully treat it than we currently do, we may have to radically
alter our currently held views about it. We may also have to ask what its purpose is in the body and why
the immune system fails to stop it from spreading. It is just not good enough to claim that cancer is an
autoimmune disease that is out to kill the body. Such a notion (of the body trying to commit suicide) goes
against the core principles of physical life. It makes so much more sense to say that cancer is nothing but
the body’s final attempt to live.
By removing all excessive waste from the gastrointestinal tract and any harmful deposits from the bile
ducts, connective tissues, blood and lymph vessels, the cancer cells will have no other choice but to die or
reverse their faulty genetic program. Unless they are too damaged, they certainly can become normal,
healthy cells again. Those anaerobic cells and seriously damaged cells that cannot make the adjustment to
live in a clean, oxygenated environment may simply die off. By thoroughly cleansing the liver and
gallbladder from gallstones and other toxins, the body’s digestive power improves considerably, thereby
increasing the production of digestive enzymes. Digestive and metabolic enzymes possess very powerful
anti-tumor properties. When the body is being decongested through major cleansing and is given proper
nourishment, these powerful enzymes have easy access to the cells of the body. Permanently damaged
cells or tumor particles are easily and quickly neutralized and removed.
There are many people in the world who cure their own cancers in this fashion. Some are aware of this
because their diagnosed tumors went into spontaneous remission without any form of medical treatment,
but most of them will never even know they had cancer because they never received a diagnosis. After
passing through a bout of flu, a week of coughing up bad-smelling phlegm or a couple of days with high
fever, many people eliminates massive amounts of toxins, and along with them, tumor tissue. Recent
cancer research on gravely ill patients at M.D. Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, Texas revealed a
promising treatment to kill cancer cells by giving them a cold, that is, injecting tumors with a cold virus.
It may still take a while, though, before researchers will discover that catching a few colds can do the
same job. This way, without interfering with the body’s self-repair mechanisms, a person may experience
a spontaneous remission of cancer, easily and only with relatively minor discomfort.

Prostate Cancer And Its Risky Treatments

There is, indeed, enough scientific evidence to suggest that most cancers disappear by themselves if
left alone. A 1992 Swedish study found that of 223 men who had early prostate cancer but did not receive
any kind of medical treatment, only 19 died within ten years of diagnosis. Considering that one third of
men in the European Community have prostate cancer, but only one percent of them die (not necessarily
from the cancer), it is very questionable to treat it at all. This is especially after research has revealed that
treatment of the disease has not decreased mortality rates. On the contrary, survival rates are higher in
groups of men whose “treatment” consists merely of watchful waiting, compared with groups undergoing
prostate surgery. In the Trans-Urethral Resection (TURP) Procedure, a 1/4-inch pipe is inserted into the
penis to just below the base of the bladder and the prostate is then fried with a hot wire loop. Far from
being a safe procedure, one study found that a year after the surgery, 41% of men had to wear diapers
because of chronic leakage, and 88% were sexually impotent.
Even the screening procedure for prostrate cancer can be dangerous. According to a number of studies,
more men who are screened with the PSA (prostate-specific-antigen) screening test die from prostate
cancer compared to those who are not tested. A recent editorial in the British Medical Journal sized up the
value of the PSA test with this comment: “At present the one certainty about PSA testing is that it causes
harm.” A high enough positive PSA test is typically followed by a prostate biopsy – a painful procedure
that can result in bleeding and infection. Recent evidence suggests that a large number of these biopsies

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