
(avery) #1

Cancer—Who Cures It?

Those who have gone into complete remission of cancer and remained free from it are also the most
likely candidates to reveal the mechanisms that cause and cure cancer.
Anne was 43 when she was diagnosed with an incurable form of lymphoma and was given only a short
time to live. It was strongly recommended that she have radiation and chemotherapy treatments, the two
most commonly used methods of combating cancer cells. Anne was aware that the treatments could not
only substantially increase the risk of secondary cancer, but also have potentially severe side effects. She
refused the treatment, arguing that if the cancer was incurable anyway, why treat it and suffer painful side
Having accepted that she had an incurable disease, which meant that she came to terms with death,
Anne felt free to look for alternative ways to make the “transition” easier. Rather than passively accepting
her fate, she decided to focus on feeling well and began taking an active role in improving her well-being.
She tried everything from acupuncture and herbal medicine to meditation and visualization, which were
all definite signals of caring attention sent to her body’s cells. Anne’s cancer went into remission a few
months later. Within a year all apparent signs of cancer had disappeared, much to the astonishment of her
oncologist. Now, over two decades later, she is not only without a trace of cancer, but she also feels that
she has never been healthier and more vital as she is now.
Linda was diagnosed with a malignant melanoma (the most aggressive form of skin cancer) when she
was just 38 years old. After several unsuccessful operations, she was informed that her cancer had
progressed to the point that it was “terminal” and that she had only about one year to live. Linda also
refused treatment with chemotherapy and radiation and, instead, focused on the more positive approaches
of healing, including yoga, praying, vegetarian diet, meditation and daily visualizations. Today, 22 years
after having outlived her death sentence, she is as healthy as she can be with no trace of even a skin
Both Anne and Linda have changed their entire attitude to life from being passive victims of an
uncontrollable “invasive” disease, to being active participants in the creation of a healthy body and mind.
Taking self-responsibility was their first step to remove the focus from cancer and direct it towards
consciously creating healthfulness.
To call the remissions “miracle cures” is certainly not correct. Today there is ample documentation of
remarkable recoveries with every type of cancer and nearly every other disorder, from diabetes to warts
and even AIDS. The fact that a spontaneous remission of cancer can occur even in the final stages of the
illness shows that the immune system has not only the potential to quickly and effectively clear the body
from existing tumors, but also to prevent new ones from forming, provided their causes are addressed. A
shift in attitude from “having” to attack and kill cancer cells to leaving them in peace and eliminating the
energy-depleting influences in life may be a strong enough stimulant for the immune system to do away
with the symptom (the cancerous tumor). Without its root causes, cancer is as harmless as a simple cold.
People like Anne and Linda don’t have to be the exception, they can be the rule. When Michalis, a
Cypriot businessman, came to me with kidney cancer, he told me that his doctors had given him only one
month to live. They had already removed one of his kidneys and believed that his second one “would not
make it that much longer either.” Yet one month was sufficient for Michalis to remove enough toxins
from his body to stop the cancer from growing. The cleansing procedures described in chapters 6 and 7
turned out to be very effective for him. Formerly a heavy drinker, meat eater, and late night reveler, he
decided to stop depleting his energy from one day to the next. I have seen few people as determined to
change his lifestyle as Michalis. The next visit to his cancer clinic in Germany three months later (much

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