
(avery) #1

The Truth About Conventional Cancer Treatments

If you still consider chemotherapy to be an option for treatment, be aware that you may develop far
more serious illnesses than cancer (which can be naturally cured by removing its root causes). The
following are common side effects:

This is what leading oncologists, university professors and MDs said about the effectiveness of
modern cancer treatments:

⇒ Chemotherapy and radiation can increase the risk of developing a second cancer by up to 100 times,
according to Dr. Samuel S. Epstein. ~ Congressional Record, Sept. 9, 1987.
⇒ If I contracted cancer, I would never go to a standard cancer treatment center. Cancer victims who live
far from such centers have a chance. ~ Professor Georges Mathé, French cancer specialist.
⇒ ...As a chemist trained to interpret data, it is incomprehensible to me that physicians can ignore the
clear evidence that chemotherapy does much, much more harm than good. ~ Alan C Nixon, PhD,
former president of the American Chemical Society.
⇒ Most cancer patients in this country die of chemotherapy. Chemotherapy does not eliminate breast,
colon, or lung cancers. This fact has been documented for over a decade, yet doctors still use
chemotherapy for these tumors. ~ Allen Levin, MD UCSF The Healing of Cancer.
⇒ Cancer researchers, medical journals, and the popular media all have contributed to a situation in
which many people with common malignancies are being treated with drugs not known to be
effective. ~ Dr. Martin Shapiro UCLA.
⇒ Except for two forms of cancer, chemotherapy does not cure. It tortures and may shorten life.
~ Dr. Candace Pert, Georgetown University School of Medicine.
⇒ Chemotherapy is basically ineffective in the vast majority of cases in which it is given. ~ Ralph Moss,
PhD, former Director of Information for Sloan Kettering Cancer Research Center.
⇒ Many medical oncologists recommend chemotherapy for virtually any tumor, with a hopefulness
undiscouraged by almost invariable failure. ~ Albert Braverman MD 1991 Lancet 1991 337 p 901
"Medical Oncology in the 90s."
⇒ "There is no scientific evidence for its ability to extend in any appreciable way the lives of patients
suffering from the most common organic cancer...chemotherapy for malignancies too advanced for
surgery which accounts for 80% of all cancers is a scientific wasteland.” ~ Professor Dr Ulrich Abel,
University of Heidelberg, Germany.
⇒ More than 75 percent of oncologists said if they had cancer they would not participate in
chemotherapy trials due to its “ineffectiveness and its unacceptable toxicity. ~ Dr. Ulrich Abel,
University of Heidelberg, Germany.
⇒ The percentage of people with cancer in the U.S. who receive chemotherapy is 75% ~ Oncologist
John Robbins M.D.
⇒ The percentage of cancer patients whose lives are predictably saved by chemotherapy is 3%. To this
day, there is no conclusive evidence (majority of cancers) that chemotherapy has any positive
influence on survival or quality of life. Chemotherapy and radiation do not make the body well. They
destroy, they do not heal. The hope of the doctor is that the cancer will be destroyed without
destroying the entire patient. These therapies do kill cancer cells, but they kill a lot of good cells too
including the cells of the immune system, the very system that one NEEDS to get well. If a cancer
patient survives the treatment with enough immune system left intact, the patient may appear to get

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