
(avery) #1

The masses are being brainwashed with the idea that a cancerous tumor is the real killer and must be
destroyed at any cost, and as early as possible. Proving to the masses that the currently propagated
approach of early cancer detection is working and has already shown to lower mortality rates is good
enough a reason for many people to pursue the radical orthodox approaches. However, cancer is not a
localized disorder that is unrelated to the rest of the body. Cancer is a “systemic disorder”—one that
affects a number of organs and tissues, or the body as a whole. Removing the symptom of cancer, such as
a tumor, does not remove the underlying causes of cancer, regardless whether the tumor is removed at an
early or late stage. As explained before, the tumor is not the problem; it is actually part for the solution.
Early cancer detection and treatment almost never prevent a recurrence unless, of course, the patient also
removes the causes of the cancer. With most cancers, the highly suppressive and destructive cancer
treatments eventually lead to a far more aggressive and fast-spreading cancer (survival response) than the
original one. The time “gained” at the beginning will be lost at the end.
All current orthodox cancer treatments damage or destroy the immune system which causes
inflammation and makes the body susceptible to other illnesses. If a man had a cancerous tumor removed
from his colon and gone through several rounds of chemotherapy but died 4 weeks later from a staph-
infection, the death certificate would state he died from an infection, not from cancer. Death resulting
from the treatment of cancer occurs far more frequently than death through cancer. Cancer patients dying
from something else than cancer lowers the number of cancer mortality further, which only benefits the
cancer industry.
To heal cancer, we must let go of the idea that cancer is a disease and out to kill us. We also must learn
to identify and remove the causes that force the body to take to recourse to such drastic survival
mechanisms as cancer. To cure oneself of cancer is neither expensive nor difficult, but it requires that you
trust, love and respect your body and yourself. The body is always ready and eager to heal itself, but it is
in your hands to set the preconditions for the healing to occur.

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