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the world were^ living with HIV infection, and more than 20 million had died^ of AIDS. In that year alone,
about 4.8 million people became^ infected with HIV, and about 2.9 million died of AIDS. However, as we
shall see, these estimates are significantly flawed and manipulated.^
Just four years earlier in 1999, the statistics showed figures that in no way support today’s figures.
With the officially proclaimed mortality rate of 50-100 percent among HIV infected people, we should
have had many more deaths in Africa where the number of infected at that time was estimated to be as
large as six to eight million, and also in Haiti, where over six percent of the population tested HIV-
positive. Yet during the nineties, the African continent had only 250,000 AIDS cases, and Haiti had
almost none. This leads to the simple, but most important and almost forsaken question regarding AIDS,
which is “what causes it?”
So far, there is no scientific evidence that AIDS is a contagious disease, although it seems to be that
way to most people. What is known from recently published research is that HIV only extremely rarely
spreads heterosexually and can, therefore, not be responsible for an epidemic that involves millions of
AIDS victims around the world. There is also no proof to show that HIV causes AIDS. On the other hand,
it is an established fact that the retrovirus HIV, which is composed of human gene fragments, is incapable
of destroying human cells – yet cell destruction is the main characteristic of every AIDS disease. Even the
principal discoverer of HIV, Luc Montagnier, no longer believes that HIV is solely responsible for
causing AIDS. In fact, he showed that HIV alone cannot cause AIDS. There is also increasing evidence
that AIDS may be a toxicity syndrome or metabolic disorder that is caused by immunity risk factors,
including heroin, sex drugs, antibiotics, commonly prescribed AIDS drugs, rectal intercourse, starvation,
malnutrition and dehydration. Dozens of prominent scientists working at the forefront of the AIDS
research are now openly questioning the virus hypothesis of AIDS.

Hiv—A Harmless Passenger Virus?

If a germ or virus has infected a person, the disease-causing microbe is present in high concentrations
within the patient’s body. In the case of AIDS, there should be very large amounts of virus material in the
affected tissues. Small amounts would not be sufficient to cause such extensive destruction, as is found in
the body of an AIDS victim. Therefore, active virus material should be profusely present in the white cells
of the immune system, particularly in the T-helper cells, as well as in lesions of Kaposi’s sarcoma and in
the brain neurons of those afflicted with dementia. Yet this is not the case at all. The HIV retrovirus
cannot be found in any of the diseased tissues of AIDS patients. This fact alone should make anyone
suspicious about the claim that HIV leads to the destruction of organs and system.
If HIV were capable of infecting T-cells or other parts of the immune system, then, as is the case with
every other type of viral infections, the cell-free virus particles or virions would easily be detected in the
bloodstream. However, in the majority of AIDS patients, there are no viruses found anywhere, and in the
remaining few there are not even enough present in the blood to cause as much as a simple cold. This
makes AIDS patients de facto HIV-negative. The 20 million deaths attributed to AIDS were, in fact, not
caused by HIV, but other reasons.
Like other viruses, HIV becomes quickly inactivated by rapid antibody production of the host’s
immune system. When it first infects the body, HIV can achieve high levels of virus and for a brief period
cause mild flu-like symptoms, if any at all. The immune system then quickly neutralizes the retrovirus
and puts it into a dormant state. Since AIDS patients who test HIV positive have been infected many
years before they die, their HIV retrovirus remains inactive.
An HIV test can only detect either the dormant, inactive virus or antibodies that the immune system
produces to remain immune to the virus in the future. Therefore, the HIV-test itself proves the

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