
(avery) #1
known to make the tests come up positive. These include yeast infections, simple head or chest colds,
influenza, rheumatoid arthritis, hepatitis, herpes, recent inoculations, drug use and pregnancy. There are
literally hundreds of millions of people in the world who either have gone through such conditions or are
currently experiencing them. Giving them an AIDS test would automatically sentence them to a disease
they may not have. That is exactly what we are doing during the humanitarian AIDS campaigns promoted
by the WHO and numerous charitable AIDS organizations.
Another class of HIV tests, called viral load tests, can produce dozens of conflicting results—even
from the same blood sample. The general population is made to believe that an HIV test is a reliable
method to determine whether they are infected with HIV or not. If they were to read the disclaimers on
the HIV test kits they would perhaps become a little suspicious, at least enough to insist on further
evidence, if such can ever be provided. This is what the disclaimers say: “At present there is no
recognized standard for establishing the presence or absence of HIV-1 antibody in human blood,”
or “The AMPLICOR HIV-1 MONITOR [Viral Load] test is not intended to be used as a screening
test for HIV or as a diagnostic test to confirm the presence of HIV infection,” or “Do not use this kit
as the sole basis of diagnosis of HIV-1 infection” (Abbott Laboratories HIV Test, Roche Viral Load
Test and Epitope, Inc. Western Blot Test, respectively). And to top this fiasco, positive test results can
occur due to “prior pregnancy, blood transfusions...and other potential nonspecific reactions”
(Vironostika HIV Test, 2003).
If the screening tests for HIV are in fact not to be used for diagnostic purposes, what are they then used
for, you may ask. Why are hundreds of millions of people in Africa and Asia subjected to AIDS tests if
they shouldn’t be used to confirm the presence of HIV infection? How many “potential nonspecific
reactions” could there be to influence the outcome of an HIV test? Moreover, why is the WHO
proclaiming that there are nearly 40 million people infected with HIV when this worldwide organization
knows so well that the tests used cannot be used to make such claims?
The AIDS tests are used to create statistics of an epidemic that has no scientific backing, but is blindly
accepted as true by innocent people who have no reason to believe they are being deceived over
something like a deadly disease. This information needs to be shared with every person who tests positive
for HIV, yet it is being concealed from these “patients.” Unless they do their own research, which cannot
be expected by the vast majority of Africans, Asians and South Americans, these frightened, confused and
unsuspecting people are misled to believe they are infected with a deadly virus. Most AIDS workers do
not even know the scientific facts, or lack thereof, behind the HIV theory and these testing procedures.
In one study, 41 percent of patients with multiple sclerosis (MS) showed presence of antibodies to p24
in their blood. This didn’t mean, however, that they were infected with HIV, although the ELISA test
would have implied exactly that. As the co-discoverer of HIV and leading virologist Dr Robert Gallo^43
has repeatedly pointed out, p24 is not unique to HIV. If the ELISA test is applied to people who have
been or are infected with the viruses that cause malaria, hepatitis B and C, tuberculosis, glandular fever,
papilloma virus warts, syphilis, leprosy, and many other conditions, the chances they are declared AIDS
victims are extremely high. In Africa and other developing countries, the HIV test is usually given to
people who feel unwell or are already diagnosed with one of these diseases. Given the large number of
people affected by them, meaning, hundreds of millions, the number of possible false-positive results
could well exceed 100 million, given the ever-expanding testing campaigns.

(^43) Dr. Gallo used the virus identified in his laboratory to make a blood test for AIDS that was patented by the United States
Government. The patent earns millions of dollars in royalties annually for the United States Treasury and $100,000 a year each
for Dr. Gallo and a former colleague, Dr. Mikulas Popovic.

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