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organizations, such as the WHO and their generous sponsors—the drug giants. In the historic past, the
developing world has been exploited by the wealthy nations. Today, this exploitation is concealed in the
generous offer to help the AIDS-afflicted countries control the escalating crisis, a crisis that existed long
before HIV was named a deadly virus.

Hiv Is Not A New Virus

Most of the manipulated statistical evidence of an escalating AIDS epidemic occurred because of
faulty testing procedures and the wrong assumption that HIV is a new virus. Everyone who tests HIV
positive is believed to have acquired the virus from someone else. The HIV testing procedure reveals
nothing about how long the virus has been in a person’s body. So, in the assumption that HIV must be a
new virus (because nobody has discovered it or tested for it before 1983), we have never even considered
the possibility that HIV, like so many other human retroviruses, could have been around for decades or
even centuries. If HIV is indeed an old virus—and there is ample evidence now to support this claim – we
should be able to find its traces (antibodies for HIV) in large numbers of people, especially in developing
HIV turns out to be a virus that has existed long before 1980. In 1998, research conducted at the
Aaron Diamond AIDS Research Center at Rockefeller University, U.S.A proved through blood tests
gathered in Africa between 1959 and 1982 that the HIV virus already existed in 1959. Based on this and
other related research it is now estimated that the virus first got into people some time in the 1940s or
early 1950s.
Since the HIV test was introduced to the Western Hemisphere in 1985, the number of HIV-infections
has remained constant world-wide until the mid 1990s. But once the screening campaigns of HIV were
extended to new countries in Africa, and in more recent years also in Asia, the number of infected people
“rose dramatically.” There is no information available on how long these people carried the HIV virus or
even whether they had received it from their parents.
According to a previous version (1990) of the HIV/AIDS theory, HIV infected people would
automatically contract AIDS within several years and subsequently die. This, however, is not and has
never been correct, although it may apply to a small number of HIV infected persons whose immune
system has been destroyed through major health risks that are listed below. Since major health risks exist
almost everywhere in the world, a “rise” in the number of HIV infected people in areas where no one had
been tested before is more than likely, especially since HIV has been around since the 1940s. In its “New
World Health Report 1996”, the World Health Organization (WHO) states that “there are now more than
21 million people infected with HIV.” Eight years and 100 million ELISA tests later, the number has
nearly doubled. The WHO reports omit the fact that this “rise” in numbers stems mostly from the
extension of this extremely inaccurate HIV-test to previously uncovered populations in the world. In
actuality, HIV stopped spreading long ago. Besides, as the scientist who discovered HIV admitted, HIV
cannot cause AIDS.

New Evidence: Hiv Rarely Spreads Heterosexually

In the developing world, the virus has existed for at least 65 years because HIV is rarely spread
heterosexually. Research that studied the wives of infected hemophiliacs showed that an HIV-positive
person requires over 1,000 unprotected sexual contacts with an HIV-negative person from the opposite
sex to pass along the virus just once. In another surprise study, published in the Lancet, 1997, 349:851-2,
French doctors at the Cochin-Port Royal hospital in Paris looked at the risk of married couples wanting to

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