
(avery) #1

drug abuse could be playing a major role, if not the biggest role in causing AIDS diseases. Most narcotic
drug users have p24 in their blood. An HIV test is likely going to turn them into HIV positive patients that
“need” treatment with expensive and potentially devastating AIDS drugs.
Until recently, drug use was most concentrated among young men aged 25-44, and so, AIDS also was
most common among this age group. Nine out of every ten AIDS cases were male and 90 percent of all
people arrested for possession of hard drugs were male, too. Seventy five percent of these were aged 25-
44 and 72 percent of all AIDS cases among men occurred within exactly the same age group. Could this
have been pure coincidence?
Between 1983 and 1987, the death rate among young men of this age group increased by an average of
10,000 per year and so did the number of AIDS deaths within the same period. During the 1980s, deaths
from drug overdoses doubled in men of this age group, while deaths from blood poisoning – an indirect
result of the injection of drugs into the blood – quadrupled. The same happened to the AIDS sufferers of
the same age group during the same period of time.
Now, more females are involved in heavy drug use. Three quarters of all heterosexual AIDS cases and
two thirds of all female AIDS cases are injection drug users. Two thirds of all babies born with AIDS
have mothers who inject drugs. These figures do not include the use of drugs taken orally or in an inhaled
The major percentage of AIDS cases, however, is still found among the highly active homosexual men
aged 25-44. This group not only abuses large quantities of narcotic drugs, but also antibiotics, antifungals,
and antivirals, such as AZT, ddI, ddC, d4T, acyclovir, and gancyclovir, to name a few. A large number of
American studies confirmed that over 95 percent of male homosexual AIDS patients typically admitted to
popper inhalation and regular use of hard drugs.
AIDS patients suffer from pre-existing immune damage, which in many cases is caused by years of
drug abuse. Without an already damaged immune system, AIDS diseases are extremely unlikely to
develop. If any of the above risk groups take an AIDS test they are highly likely to test positive, due to the
large number of antibodies their bodies have produced to counteract diseases caused by drugs, semen,
blood, and viruses, etc.

Why Babies Get Aids

Babies are strongly affected by the drug abuse of their mothers. Two thirds of all babies with AIDS
symptoms, regardless whether they test HIV-positive or not, have mothers who inject drugs; some large
percentage of the rest have mothers who use non-injected drugs. Heroin is one of the most commonly
injected drugs. Persistent drug users show symptoms of loss of white blood cells, the main upholder of
immunity, as well as lymph node swelling, fever, rapid weight loss, brain dysfunction and dementia, and a
marked susceptibility to infections. Heroin addicts often die from pneumonia, tuberculosis, and other
opportunistic infections, as well as from wasting syndromes. In all these diseases, the protein p24,
generally accepted to be proof of the existence of HIV, is amply present. Although p24 is not unique to
HIV but shared with most infectious diseases, they have nevertheless been classified as AIDS diseases.
What is very sad is that babies are defenseless against drug poisoning. Recent research has shown that
pregnant women who smoke cigarettes pass cancer-forming chemicals to their babies. It is difficult to
imagine what must be taking place in the developing brain of an embryo when it is exposed to heroin
injected directly into his mother’s blood, which is also his blood.
Many babies born to cocaine-using mothers are born with severe mental retardation and are
vulnerable to tuberculosis and lung diseases. The major experimental drugs are so poisonous that regular
use can result in dementia, serious bacterial infections, and total destruction of the immune system. The

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