
(avery) #1

still not enough to determine whether he is HIV positive or not (considering the high false-positive rates
of HIV tests).
Unless the individual’s stress reaction continues, he may lead a perfectly healthy life. But if stress-
caused cellular destruction becomes a long-term issue, the amino acid balance becomes increasingly
disturbed. This in turn may drain the immune system to such an extent that it can no longer defend the
body against even the low level infection-causing agents that permanently linger in everyone’s body.
When the host’s immune system fails to neutralize the germs, a simple bacterium can cause a life-
threatening infection, as seen among many AIDS patients.
Drug addicts, very active homosexuals, babies born to mothers with an unbalanced amino acid pool,
people who are in need of a blood transfusion or had one, and those who are undernourished, starving, or
are otherwise traumatized, all are suffering from an unbalanced amino acid pool and are, therefore,
possible candidates for HIV particle generation. Intense stress responses cause the breakdown of cell
nucleus, which results in an increased presence of DNA or RNA fragments. The first and natural response
by the body is to produce antibodies to these fragments. As mentioned before, Multiple Sclerosis, malaria,
hepatitis B and C, tuberculosis, glandular fever, papilloma virus warts, and many other ailments can cause
the body to make antibodies for the retrovirus p24. If immunity becomes subdued through any major
illness or constant stress, a flood of disease-causing agents begin to invade the body. Wherever the body
is most vulnerable and exposed is where the AIDS disease is likely to strike first.

Narcotic Drugs And Rectal Intercourse Can Cause Aids

Use of intravenous morphine and heroin alters the basic metabolism of the body. The body’s own
natural morphine compounds, called endorphins, are not only capable of reducing pain and producing
euphoria, but they also suppress hunger sensation. People who use heroin or morphine tend to lose their
appetite and subsequently stop eating and taking enough fluids. The body, while detecting a famine and
dehydration, begins the cortisone release mechanisms to try to survive the food and water shortage. When
this mechanism reaches a certain level, it will cause an imbalance of the amino acid pool in the blood and
lead to an increased breakdown of cell nucleus. The DNA assembly line (double-stranded helix) collapses
into its segments of proteins which the body, in turn, uses to restore the amino acid balance to whatever
extent possible. These fragments are what tests reveal to be HIV particles. HIV results from a strong
imbalance of essential amino acids in the body, which in this case is caused by drug abuse.
This understanding of HIV matches the basic characteristic of HIV being a human retrovirus, and due
to its natural design, is not able to kill or harm cells. HIV by itself has no capability of entering a living
cell and breaking up the DNA or RNA assembly line, but the body’s own cortisone can if stress is severe
and prolonged enough.
Intravenous drug users who share HIV contaminated needles may test HIV-positive as a result of
exposure to the foreign DNA fragments (HIV), but if they die from an AIDS disease it is because of an
imbalance in their own amino acid pool. The continued depletion of certain amino acids such as cystine,
cysteine, or tryptophan leads to a suspension of antibody production and, eventually, to a total collapse of
the immune system. This is AIDS. All intravenous drug users are at risk of eventually producing HIV
particles and developing AIDS diseases.
The same applies to people who have regular rectal intercourse, not because they can infect each other
with HIV, but because this unnatural form of sexual practice causes constantly occurring intestinal injury,
thus depleting the body’s amino acid reserves. As a result of the constant internal injuries, a massive
number of cells have to be dismembered, cleared, and replaced continually, which produces a long-term
depletion of the body’s protein reserves. When one or more amino acids become depleted, DNA or RNA

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