
(avery) #1

molecules break apart, leaving behind their protein fragments labeled HIV. Therefore HIV is the effect of
immune deficiency and not its cause.
The cells of AIDS patients are consistently short of the amino acid cysteine and its precursor cystine,
which may result from one or several of the causes mentioned before. Laboratory research has
demonstrated that when amino acid depleted cells are given back the missing amino acids, these cells stop
producing HIV particles because their DNA and RNA molecules are able to sustain their assembly line.
In addition, regular discharge of human semen into the rectum, which has no natural defense lines
against the immune-repressive properties of the semen that bathes the sperm, eventually leads to a
shutdown of normal repair work and cell replacement. This causes chronic toxicity, which also acts as a
constant blow to an already weakened immune system.

Malnutrition, Dehydration, And Starvation Can Also Cause Aids

As in drug-caused malnutrition, lack of proper nourishment activates the body’s stress responses to the
point that it starts feeding on itself. This is necessary to keep the amino acid pool balanced. But when too
many muscle cells are broken down to release the missing amino acids, large amounts of DNA or RNA
fragments are generated which the body tries to neutralize by producing antibodies. The same stress
response occurs in cellular dehydration. A severely dehydrated person would, therefore, test HIV-positive.
In the developing world, particularly in Africa, malnutrition, dehydration and starvation have existed
for centuries. During a famine, people naturally start feeding on their own bodies. The byproduct of this
survival attempt of the body is HIV material, consisting of DNA or RNA fragments. Consequently, the
immune system produces antibodies to render these viral particles harmless. Although many of the people
in Africa have received inactive HIV from their parents, who at some stage in their lives have gone
through a famine, others have produced it themselves from their bodies’ natural response to malnutrition.
Wherever the AIDS test is introduced in developing countries, large numbers of the population test
HIV positive either because of false-positive HIV tests or because they or their parents once had to endure
a famine. The HIV of the latter group is mainly the result of malnutrition or related illnesses, which is
clearly demonstrated in the case of the 360,000 HIV-infected and undernourished Haitians. By contrast,
the HIV of developed countries results mostly from the above mentioned causes. Although HIV and
AIDS are two completely separate issues, they can occur in combination with one another:

  1. In developed countries where homosexual intercourse, intravenous drug abuse, and blood
    transfusions are very common.

  2. In Third World countries where wasting disorders such as “slims disease,” tuberculosis, and malaria
    exist in epidemic proportions.

5. Aids Drugs Cause Aids

Christie’s story is a sad one. Her two foster-care children, Daniel and Martha, have tested HIV
positive. Their birth mother, Christie’s niece who is a long-term drug user, was unable to raise the
children, so Christie offered to take care of them. Daniel had twice been sent to a Children's Center for
HIV-positive children, once soon after he was born, and when he was four years old, and again recently.
Her other child had also been taken to the center several months ago and has been kept there since.
Christie was accused of being a negligent parent because she refused to give her children the prescribed
AIDS drugs.
These children have had a clean bill of health and never showed any sign of illness. But when city
health agencies found out the kids weren’t on the drugs, they removed them from their guardian and sent

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