
(avery) #1

them to an AIDS clinic for mandatory treatment, and after that, to the Children’s Center. Each day they
are forced to take a cocktail of powerful, debilitating and potentially fatal AIDS drugs, such as AZT,
Nevirapine, Epivir, Zerit, and others. Many of the children there are unable to tolerate so many
medications, and so they are drugged through a tube in their stomachs. If a child refuses drugs too many
times, they take them away for an operation to feed the drugs directly into the stomach.
And what is the purpose of drugging those healthy HIV positive kids? AIDS research is going to
generate the biggest profits from drug sales in the world. There is a whole list of drug studies on children
either still running or recently concluded. The research is sponsored by government agencies such as
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and National Institute of Child Health and Human
Development, and huge pharmaceutical companies such as Glaxo, Pfizer, Squibb and Genentech.
One of the studies, “The Effect of Anti-HIV Treatment on Body Characteristics of HIV-Infected
Children” seeks to identify the causes of “Wasting and Lipodystrophy [fat redistribution]” by using drugs
known to cause wasting and lipodystrophy. Another study looks at “The Safety and Effectiveness of
Treating Advanced AIDS Patients between the Ages of 4 and 22 with Seven Drugs, Some at Higher than
Usual Doses.” Although the seven drugs in the study are all known to cause some of the most severe side
effects seen by any drug on the market, they are administered at “higher than usual doses” in four-year-
olds. A third study using the drug Stavudine by itself, or in combination with Didanosine.” The combined
drug cocktail has killed pregnant women.
Then there is the vaccine study involving children of ages 2 months to 8 years. The children are being
administered “live chicken pox virus,” despite the fact that live virus vaccine can actually cause chicken
Another study measures “HIV Levels in Cerebrospinal Fluid.” To obtain cerebrospinal fluid, it has to
be gathered from a spinal tap, a dangerous and invasive procedure. And although this may be hard to
believe, there is a study on HIV-negative children who were born to HIV-infected mothers that uses an
experimental HIV vaccine. The parents or guardians of these legally kidnapped children are rarely ever
informed that their kids are subjects or rather, guinea pigs, in these clinical trials. The law prevents them
from trying to save their children from the holocaust of human experimentation. The National Institute of
Health (NIH) is legally permitted to use HIV-positive children of impoverished, drug-addicted mothers
unable to care for them, as test subjects. So far, dozens of trials with AZT and Nevirapine were conducted
through the late 90s. And there are 227 studies ongoing or currently completed. The studies are sponsored
by NIH subdivisions; many are cosponsored by the pharmaceutical companies that manufacture the drugs
being tested. The studies use the standard AIDS drugs: nucleoside analogues, protease inhibitors and
Nevirapine. Side effects described on the warning labels of these drugs include:

ƒ Interfering with normal cell division
ƒ Cancer
ƒ Heart Disease
ƒ Preventing formation of new blood
ƒ Bone marrow destruction
ƒ Anemia
ƒ Death in pregnant mothers
ƒ Spontaneous abortion
ƒ Birth defects
ƒ Severe liver damage and liver failure
ƒ Pancreatic failure
ƒ Muscle wasting
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