
(avery) #1
ƒ Developmental damage
ƒ Death in children and adults
ƒ Interference with the body's ability to build new proteins
ƒ Bizarre, grotesque and often fatal physical appearance
ƒ Wasting in the face, arms and legs
ƒ Fatty humps on the back and shoulders
ƒ Distended belly
ƒ Organ failure due to drug toxicity
ƒ Stevens-Johnson Syndrome—a grotesque, violent skin disorder

Despite the fact that these poisonous drugs destroy the human immune system (=AIDS) and have not
shown to have any curative effect, they are nevertheless prescribed routinely now. The producers of AIDS
drugs protect themselves against liability suits by placing the following notice on the drug labels:
“This drug will not cure your HIV infection. Patients receiving antiretroviral therapy may
continue to experience opportunistic infections and other complications of HIV disease. Patients
should be advised that the long-term effects are unknown at this time.”
The only reason people take these drugs is because they test positive for HIV. Their only (often fatal)
mistake is that they don’t read or understand the HIV test kit labels and the drug labels. This is especially
sad when children are involved.
The Administration for Children's Services (ACS) came down hard on Christie for
not drugging her son Daniel. They forced Daniel to go on the “miracle drug” Nevirapine and within six
months, he was on life support due to organ failure. When they put her healthy daughter Martha on a
cocktail of AIDS drugs, it completely destroyed her immune system, making her susceptible to constant
disease flare-ups she otherwise would never have experienced. The main question is why are doctors
permitted and even encouraged to treat AIDS patients with drugs that kill their immune systems?
Wouldn’t it make more sense to help them build their immunity? These questions will need to be raised
again and again if we want to tackle disease in general and AIDS-type illnesses specifically.

Summary: HIV, which consists of human DNA or RNA fragments, cannot be considered to be the
cause of AIDS. AIDS, which is an umbrella name for a number of different illnesses that all share a
disrupted metabolism and immune system, is caused by one or several major risk factors. If a healthy
person acquires HIV through an external source, i.e., through contact with HIV-infected blood or through
the mother, it is rendered harmless and inactive by the host’s immune system. Such a person would have
produced antibodies for HIV in his blood just as he would for any other previously encountered viral
particles. He is in no greater danger of developing an AIDS disease than any other person without HIV
does, as can be seen, for example, in the vast majority of HIV-infected Africans or Asians.
The occurrence of DNA or RNA fragments (HIV) in the blood of a person who actually produces
abnormal cell destruction, on the other hand, indicates the presence of a serious immune deficiency.
Malnutrition, starvation, dehydration, recurring injuries, or cell suffocation from internal congestion
results in an imbalance of the body’s amino acid pool. To correct such an imbalance the body begins to
break down its own cell nuclei in order to obtain the missing amino acids. If there is a shortage of even
one amino acid in the body, the percentage composition of all the other amino acids also becomes
unbalanced. This can have a simultaneous catastrophic effect on the cells and their nucleus throughout the
body. The destruction of cell nucleus results in DNA or RNA fragments; the fragments consist of human
proteins called retrovirus. HIV is one the many retroviruses that can be generated in this way. Thus, HIV,
which is generated within the body through destruction of cell nucleus, cannot be considered to be the

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