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exception. The doctor’s role as a friend and guide during the difficult times of sickness can, in fact, be a
very crucial element in leading a patient to recovery.
The shift from a conventional doctor to an alternative doctor or to one who really cares, however,
may not be sufficient to invoke a healing response. Exercising your will and desire to take your health
into your hands and to take responsibility for everything that happens in your life is perhaps the most
powerful method of healing there is. It tackles the original cause of almost every illness, that is, feeling
inadequate, unworthy or not being in control (although most people believe these feelings result from
being ill). The most profound and continuous guarantee of good health is the taking of responsibility for
your own health and life. This includes the search for and application of natural ways to improve the
body, as much as avoiding those factors and influences that cause it harm. Once you know what causes
disease, you will be able to rebalance the situation and lay the foundation for optimal health. The
following chapters provide an in-depth understanding about ways you may be contributing to your own ill
health, aging and disabilities and show you how you can stop and reverse this process for good.

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