
(avery) #1

Dealing With Candida Infection

A survey of 3,000 patients who had been treated for Candida-related problems revealed that 90 percent
of them had reported excessive and prolonged use of broad-spectrum antibiotics before being infected.
Antibiotics cannot eradicate Candida bacteria. The more you try to get rid of them with drugs, the more
resistant they become and the faster they repopulate.
If you are infected with Candida (yeast), you can starve them by depriving them of the toxins and
foods that cause them to multiply. As long as the liver has gallstones, re-infection is almost guaranteed. A
series of liver cleanses that releases all stones is one of the most thorough ways to deal with them. Fasting
with only water for 3-5 days has also been shown to pacify Candida overgrowth, but fasting this long may
be difficult for many people, especially if they are Vata types. Once the food source (toxic waste) is
reduced, the yeast bacteria will soon begin to withdraw to their original sites and diminish.
Along with liver flushing, a diet consisting of foods that cause the least amount of digestive trouble
and toxicity is able to restore the intestinal flora. Eating fresh salads, freshly cooked vegetables, Basmati
rice, millet, beans, lentils, (only if unavoidable), freshly prepared vegetable soups, rice cakes,
oatmeal/porridge, and bananas are suitable for most Candida sufferers. Avoid meat, fish, and other
cadaver foods or their products. Remember, destructive bacteria target dead cells. Drink plenty of fresh
water and herbal teas that have a bitter taste, such as chaparral. Essiac tea (8-herb formula) has shown
some of the best results I have seen (see Product Information). Also 2-4 cups of Pau d' Arco (Lapacho) tea
a day can help improve the Candida balance. The same applies to green tea and cranberry juice
concentrate. The product Primal Defense has also proved beneficial for some Candida sufferers, but not
for everyone.
Apply the muscle test to all the foods and beverages you normally consume. It is most likely that the
following food items will make your arm muscle weak and further the growth of Candida: sugar, yeast or
yeast-containing foods such as bread, cakes, biscuits; chocolate and other sweets; tomato ketchup, fruit
(except banana), alcohol, Marmite, mushrooms, hard and blue cheeses; fermented products such as
vinegar and fermented vegetables; coffee, tea, soft drinks, sports drinks; cigarettes or any other stimulant.
You may also need to stop any hormone replacements, including the contraceptive pill and HRT, if
After a month of dietary restriction, you may be able to reintroduce some previously eaten foods to
your diet but, if these cause bloating, they are most likely not part of your natural body-type diet. Candida
can be a way to lead you towards a healthier and more fulfilling lifestyle (refer to chapters 6 and 7 for
Candida Spit Test: To find out whether you are dealing with a Candida issue, you can apply this
simple spit test. After rising in the morning, rinse your mouth and get a glass of fresh water. Work up
some saliva and spit into the glass. Observe what happens to the saliva during the next 30-40 minutes, and
especially during the first few minutes. If you have a Candida infection, at least one of the following
indicators will appear:

  1. Strings forming from the floating spit, reaching into the lower parts of the water.

  2. Strange-looking saliva at the bottom of the glass.

  3. Cloudy specks suspended in the water.
    The more quickly the strings and cloudy specks are formed, the more prevalent is the Candida
    overgrowth. If the above indicators occur right away, the Candida has spread to other parts of the body.
    On the other hand, if the spit just floats on top and the water stays perfectly clear, you are unlikely
    affected by it. If you have extensive overgrowth, this test will show results even if you do it during the

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