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do, see, hear and eat. To support your immune system in its fight against disease or infections, you can
use natural remedies known in the traditional forms of medicine.
Ayurvedic Medicine, Chinese Medicine, and Homeopathy, for example, offer excellent remedies for
almost every ill. They do not interfere with the mechanism of healing in the body, as is the case with
drugs. Instead, their cleansing procedures and immune-stimulating medicines make it easier for the body
to rid itself of toxins or deal with pathogens. A major side benefit of these natural methods and substances
is that they are much more likely to trigger a significant placebo response in the body than drugs.
If you suffer from an infection or any other illness, there is no reason to panic! Your attitude to the
disease is the most powerful tool you have to overcome the problem. Fear interferes with your body’s
healing response. If you ask a friend to test your arm muscle while experiencing this fear, you will find
that the energy flow to your muscles is extremely low. Instead of succumbing to this weakening
influence, decide to take positive steps to support the body in its healing efforts. Trust that there cannot be
a better doctor in the world than your own body because it is equipped with the best pharmacy that could
ever exist. It is best to use natural cleansing remedies (that pass the Kinesiology muscle test) before taking
antibiotics or other drugs. The latter are useful and necessary only in life-threatening situations. And if
they are taken, it is good to counterbalance the harmful side effects through a program of cleansing.
For example, coffee enemas, or preferably the liver and gallbladder flush, can help the liver to rid itself
from accumulated antibiotic residues and a lot of other toxins as well. Essiac tea, MMS, Chaparral or
Lapacho tea can cleanse the liver and the blood from such remnants, too. A kidney cleanse ensures that
the toxins which your body releases are actually removed and don’t get caught in the kidneys, urinary
bladder or skin. The Ayurvedic hot water treatment (drinking hot ionized water) cleanses the tissues.
Early bedtimes improve digestion and immune functions. In addition, a nourishing diet according to your
body type makes assimilation of food easier and more effective. Exercise serves as a means to bring more
oxygen into your cells and helps with the removal of toxic waste from the body. Also don’t underestimate
the healing powers of sunlight. If properly used, sunlight alone can eliminate many of our ills. And
drinking sufficient amounts of fresh water ensures that the body remains hydrated and that detoxification
can take place smoothly and efficiently.
Lastly, as shocking as this may sound in today's drugs-for-everything medical world, a new study
suggests that doctors of 2,500 years ago knew the secret to stopping a lot of serious infections:
bloodletting! Bloodletting is effective against the staphylococcus bacteria, a leading cause of pneumonia
and other life-threatening ailments, according to some recent University of Chicago research. The reason
for this is quite simple: staph and other germs thrive on iron in the blood. Reducing the amount of blood
in the body greatly reduces their food supply (iron) and thereby makes the blood less attractive to them.
For the same reason, menstruating women are protected against infection by naturally lowering blood iron
before the beginning of their natural bleeding cycle; and pregnant women do the same during the ninth
month of pregnancy, thanks to nature’s perfect innate wisdom.

  1. Business with Your Blood

Are Blood Transfusions Truly Necessary?

Most of us grew up with the distinct impression that donating blood is a highly humanitarian act and
helps to save many people’s lives. Blood transfusions are currently a standard part of the medical
emergency procedure on a patient who has suffered a life-threatening trauma with loss of blood or one

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