
(avery) #1

In reality, measles is not a dangerous childhood illness at all. The belief that measles can lead to
blindness is a myth that finds it roots in an increased sensitivity to light during illness. This problem
subsides when the room is dimmed and vanishes completely with recovery. For a long time measles was
believed to increase the risk of a brain infection (encephalitis) which is known to occur only among
children who live in poverty and suffer from malnutrition. Among upper class children, only 1 out of
100,000 will become infected. Besides, less than half of children given a measles booster are protected
against the disease.
In a report issued by German health authorities and published in a 1989 issue of the Lancet, the mumps
vaccine was revealed to have caused 27 specific neurological reactions, including meningitis, febrile
convulsions, encephalitis, and epilepsy. A Yugoslavian study linked 1 per 1,000 cases of mumps
encephalitis directly to the vaccine. The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal in the U.S. reported in 1989
that the rate varies from 1 in 405 to 1 in 7,000 shots for mumps.
Although mumps is generally a mild illness and the vaccine’s side effects are severe, it is still included
in the MMR vaccine. And so is the vaccine for rubella, although it is known to cause arthritis in up to 3
percent of children and in up to 20 percent of the adult women who have received it. In 1994 the
Department of Health admitted to doctors that 11 percent of first-time recipients of the rubella vaccine
will get arthritis. Symptoms range from mild aches to severe crippling. Other studies show a 30 percent
chance of developing arthritis in direct response to the rubella vaccine.
Research confirms that the whooping cough vaccine is only effective in 36 percent of children. A
report by Professor Gordon Stewart, which was published in 1994 in World Medicine, demonstrated that
the risks of the whooping cough vaccine outweighed the benefits. The whooping cough or pertussis
vaccine is by far the most dangerous of all the vaccines. DTP, the whooping cough vaccine that was used
in the U.S. until 1992, contained the carcinogen formaldehyde, and the highly toxic metals aluminum and
mercury. Both this vaccine and its “improved” version DTaP have never been tested for safety, only for
The new vaccine has proved to be no better than the old one. Both versions cause death, near-death,
seizures, developmental delay, and hospitalization. DTaP (formerly DTP) is given to babies as young as
six weeks old, although the vaccine has never been tested on this age group. Among the 17 potential
health problems caused by the whooping cough vaccine is sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS).
According to an estimate from the University of California at Los Angeles, 1,000 U.S. infants a year die
as a direct result of receiving the vaccine.
These and other vaccines have never been tested for safety on humans; they are only tested on animals.
Vaccines cannot be proven safe until they are given to humans, for the first time. Giving vaccines to
human turns them into human “guinea pigs.” It is not possible to predeict what reactions they will have.
This is the risk all people receiving vaccines have to take. Some will die, others will live but become ill
years alter, and many others will live without serious long-term consequences. But since all vaccines are
designed to cause the very disease they are to prevent (in order to establish immunity), a truly safe
vaccine is one that is not effective.
Children are the most vulnerable because their immune systems are practically defenseless against the
poisons in the vaccines. They have a lot against them since their mothers are not passing on immunity to
them in the breast milk (because they were vaccinated and no longer make antibodies). Children die a rate
eight times faster than normal after a DPT shot. James R Shannon of NIH understood this when he said
“No vaccination can be proven safe before it is given to children.”
Immunization programs against polio have no benefits other than economic ones for vaccine
producers. The scientist who eliminated polio now suspects that the handful of polio cases which have
occurred in the U.S. since the seventies are caused by the live viruses that were used as vaccines. In

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