
(avery) #1

Finland and Sweden, where the use of live vaccines for polio is prohibited, there has not been a single
case of polio in ten years. If live viruses used as a vaccine can cause polio today when hygiene is
generally high, it may well be that the polio epidemics 40 to 50 years ago were also caused by
immunization against polio while hygiene, sanitation, housing, and nutritional standards were still very
low. In the United States, cases of polio increased by 50 percent between 1957 and 1958, and by 80
percent from 1958 to 1959 after the introduction of mass immunization. In five states, cases of polio
doubled after the polio vaccine was given to large numbers of the population. As soon as hygiene and
sanitation improved, despite the immunization programs, the viral disease quickly disappeared. Whatever
may have been the reason for polio outbreaks in the past (see section on natural immunization), it is
highly questionable today to immunize an entire population against a disease that does not even exist any
more. It raises major questions about the motives behind polio vaccination.
Further, the history of some simian virus 40 (SV40) infections in humans is linked to the use of polio
vaccines. According to the American Journal of Medicine, many studies have reported the presence of
SV40 from the polio vaccine in human brain tumors and bone cancers, malignant mesothelioma, and non-
Hodgkin's lymphoma. The polio vaccine seems ever more linked to cancers, especially in children. The
cancers caused by the use of the polio vaccine in the past still kills 20,000 people a year in the United
States. This is quite outrageous given the fact that polio itself hasn’t killed anyone for a long time.

Involuntary Vaccinations

The vast majority of vaccinations—for children or adults—are needless. And they cause hundreds of
deaths per year from adverse reactions, reactions that wouldn’t otherwise occur if mass vaccinations
didn’t exist. According to a recent announcement (November 14,. 2007) by State and County officials in
Maryland (USA), parents were threatened with jail if they didnt submit their children to forced
vaccinations. State Attorney General Glenn F. Ivey vehemently declared that he would criminalize
parents who refuse to bring their children to the courthouse to have them injected, on the spot, with
vaccines that contain methyl mercury. A total of 1,600 school children and their parents were ordered to
appear in circuit court November 17, 2007 to receive the required shots. Parents now risk loosing their
children either to autism, brain damage or death caused by this highly toxic chemical, or by having to go
to jail for trying to protect them against this medical tyranny of the state.
Along with children, who are helpless against the vaccination assault, soldiers have also been a target
of mass immunization. Military troops have to submit to all manner of vaccinations in the name of
readiness for warfare. The servicemen and women endure endless injections designed to “protect” them
against bio-toxins like smallpox, anthrax, ricin and others.
Several soldiers have died from the often untested chemicals in the vaccines, and others have been
severely sickened by the practice. Not unlike those women involved in involuntary ultrasound studies,
soldiers have become guinea pigs in massive drug studies. How else could the pharmaceutical industry
legally test poisons on human subjects?
Vaccination of soldiers is mandatory. Those who refuse the shots face court martial and prison time, or
at the very least, a dishonorable discharge from the armed forces. Common side effects of the over one
million vaccinations so far injected in our soldiers have included joint pain, extreme fatigue, and memory
loss. The mandatory anthrax vaccine has even worse effects. A recent report issued by the General
Accounting Office (GAO) confirms that about one to two percent of immunized individuals may end up
with severe adverse reactions, including disability, chronic disease and death. Even though this risk seems
low, when calculated across the 2.2 million in the service, an estimated 44,000 enlisted could potentially

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