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flora (two thirds of our immune system is located in the intestinal tract). To remain healthy and immune,
we need the daily fight with bacteria and viruses.
A recent study conducted at the Institute of Child Health at Bristol University, U.K. observed every
aspect of 14,000 children's lives over a period of 7 years. They found that too much hygiene could be
damaging children's health, weakening their immune systems and making them prone to illnesses such as
asthma. A few decades ago such diseases as asthma, eczema, and hay fever were almost nonexistent.
Today, as many as one third of the population suffer from allergies. Scientists now say that our obsession
with the latest anti-germ potions and over-reliance on soap and water may explain why the Western world
has been hit by a spate of viruses, immune-related diseases, and allergies.
The principle "what we don't use becomes useless" also applies to our immune system; it needs the
regular exposure and adaptation to everyday bugs and germs in order to exercise its ability to recognize
what is truly harmful. Rigorous hygiene drastically reduces the number of bacteria and other infectious
agents that a developing immune system needs to battle to become stronger and more efficient. Allergies
occur when the immune system labels harmless particles (house dust, pollen, etc.) as harmful invaders to
which it has rarely been exposed before. To fight them off, the body covers them with poison, which in
turn results in inflammation, itching, swelling, and such symptoms as a runny nose. The Bristol study
found, for example, that those children who washed their face and hands three or four times a day and
bathed once a day suffered a significantly higher incidence of asthma than did the children who used soap
and water much less frequently.
Children from larger families are also less likely to suffer from asthma or hay fever. With many
children living under one roof, minor infections are constantly brought into the household, which means
that the immune system is kept busy and alert almost all the time. If an infection occurs as a result of the
body's natural reaction to invading bacteria, the immune system produces 'fighter cells' called antibodies.
But if this normal response, that is, an infection, is undermined or prevented by artificial disinfectants or
antibiotics, antibodies are no longer made and the immune system is weakened and begins to malfunction.
By contrast, letting the infection take its full course strengthens the immune system, making it much more
resilient to disease-causing germs afterwards.
Exaggerated cleanliness and fear of infection usually go hand in hand. Many people who fail to
employ the natural ways of strengthening the immune system are paranoid about becoming infected; for
them, antibiotics and vaccines also remain ineffective.

Vaccination—Attack On Your Body, Brain And Spirit

Vaccines are composed of protein, bacterial and viral material, as well as preservatives, neutralizers,
and carrying agents. The vaccine against bacterial meningitis is made from the brains and heart of cows
among other highly toxic components. Alarmed by the outbreak of mad cow’s disease, the Italian
authorities ordered the seizure of the vaccine in January 1997 for fear it could cause the human version of
the disease. By injecting such cocktails of foreign and destructive substances directly into the
bloodstream, the human body stands little or no chance of neutralizing the poisons.
Under normal circumstances, all ingested foods, beverages, etc. have to pass through the mucus
membranes, the intestinal walls, or the liver before they are permitted into such important areas as the
blood, the heart, or the brain. The sudden appearance of a poison in the bloodstream is often met by a
counterattack of the immune system that uses an entire arsenal of antibodies to prevent death from
poisoning (allergic reaction). This allergic response can lead to a sudden, sometimes fatal, collapse known
as anaphylactic shock response. Among the causes of anaphylactic shock are immunizations for

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