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Administration using^ the Freedom of Information Act. The reports were filed through^ the FDA's vaccine
adverse event reporting system.^
In Melbourne, Australia, 25 girls at a Catholic high school experienced headache, nausea, and
dizziness after receiving their first injection of the vaccine, the Age^ reported.
Merck, the manufacturer of this vaccine, is the same company that made Vioxx, the drug that killed
over 60,000 people and that tried to conceal the facts of Vioxx’ s deadly side effects. Although cervical
cancer is easily preventable through non-drug approaches, Merck is trying to make this vaccination
mandatory in all U.S. states. The drug-giant is clearly not interested in helping out a relatively few young
girls who could be at risk of developing cervical cancer later in their lives; it rather wants to open up the
huge potential market for cancer vaccines. Merck's own literature says it is important to realize that
Gardasil does not protect women against some “non-vaccine” HPV types. In other words, even if girls
accept the risks and get vaccinated, they can still get HPV.

The Vaccine-Autism Link

Many doctors act as if it is a crime when parents refuse to give vaccines to their children. They equate
it with irresponsible parenting. These doctors blindly rely on recommendations made by the Centers for
Disease Control (CDC). In October 2004, CDC representatives announced their recommendation that
children aged 6 months to 23 months should receive flu shots (which contain thimerosal) as part of the
standard schedule of immunizations. Steve Cochi, the acting director of the National Immunization
Program, underlined the CDC's official view of the vaccine-autism connection, citing a “lack of scientific
evidence.” This comes at a time when CDC officials were more than once made aware of the large body
of scientific evidence that supports the vaccine-autism link. In actual fact, the research used in the study
mentioned above was collected from data obtained under the Freedom of Information Act. And, as you
may have guessed, the data came from the CDC’s own archives. It is still perplexing to me that an
institution that was meant to protect people against illnesses gives its blessing and active support to a
procedure involving injection of mercury into an eight, 12 or 16 pound infant.
Statistical research on medical history in the United States covering the years between 1940 and 1970
showed that autistic children were most common among wealthy families. After 1970, autism was equally
distributed amongst all income groups. At the end of the sixties, certain immunization programs that only
well-off families could previously afford were extended to the poor as well. The same trends were
observed in other industrialized nations. Mercury-exposure to children through vaccines has dramatically
increased over the past 20 years, while the rate of autism jumped from 1 in 10,000 to 1 in 150 over the
same period. If you are a parent, you need to draw your own conclusions. But you certainly should not
trust the government’s agencies to protect you and your family.
An evidence-based fact analysis provides an irrefutable link between mercury-containing vaccines to
autism. According to national statistics, one out of every 200 children in the United States is diagnosed
with autism. One reporter wanted to know why Amish children don’t suffer the same fate. It is a fact that
the Amish don’t allow their children to be vaccinated. While checking out one Amish community, the
reporter found three children with autism. He discovered that one child was adopted from China and
previously vaccinated, another was one of the few Amish children who were vaccinated, and the third had
an unclear vaccine history. Although the odds of non-vaccinated Amish children developing autism are
slim to none, health officials still pretend they don’t know what causes autism in children, while insisting
that vaccines are safe and do no harm.

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