
(avery) #1

On a different note, the National Institutes of Mental Health recently concluded that it is essential that
pregnant women have enough vitamin D to ensure proper development of their fetus’s brain. It is equally
important for the proper development of a child brain’s to have enough vitamin D after it is born. Since
the child doesn’t get vitamin D from breast milk, the only natural way to obtain it is through sunlight, just
as nature intended it. Even moderate sun exposure helps ensure proper brain development. Unfortunately,
sun-avoidance has increased dramatically in the last 20 years, ever since the medical community started
warning about the dangers of sun exposure. Far fewer parents now expose their babies to the sun, and if
they do, the babies are often given sunscreens and even sunglasses to wear. The vitamin D receptors
appear in a wide variety of brain tissue early in the development of the baby, and activated vitamin D
receptors increase nerve growth in the brain. If you have an autistic child, make sure s/he spends several
hours a day outdoors, and if it is warm, without clothes so all the skin can receive this valuable treatment.
If you have an autistic child, you may also want to try out the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) by
Gary Craig. I have seen great improvements in autistic children whose parents treat them with EFT (the
program is available at no cost from http://www.emofree.com)..) I have also seen great improvements in autistic
children who received a session in Sacred Santémony (see chapter 7).
Other health issues clearly caused by vaccinations include small-scale brain damage, growth inhibition,
hyperactivity, learning difficulties, etc. Previously belittled as simple problems of growing up, medical
researchers now recognize them as forms of encephalitis (inflammatory disease of the brain). More than
20 percent of the American children—one out of five—suffer from these or related problems. The multi-
dose version of the hepatitis B vaccine, which is typically given to newborns before they leave the
hospital, still contains thimerosal—the mercury-containing preservative. The central nervous systems of
newborns are utterly defenseless against these toxic assaults. It doesn’t help that the hepatitis B vaccine
has nearly zero benefits for the child.
The hepatitis B vaccine is supposed to protect an adult against hepatitis B infection and liver cancer.
Many of these affected individuals also have serious social problems like IV drug abuse, alcoholism and
poor nutrition, all of which greatly increase the risk for these diseases. Newborns certainly don’t fall into
those risk groups and children almost never suffer from a hepatitis B infection or liver cancer. Since the
vaccine protects a child only for a few years, by the time he could possibly develop liver cancer, the
vaccine would have already stopped providing any benefits. Obviously this extremely poisonous
childhood vaccine is absolutely unnecessary.
The documented evidence against the value of immunization is so comprehensive that in 1986 the
American Congress passed federal legislation to compensate children for damages arising from
vaccination. According to the law, the government is no longer liable for damages, but instead doctors
and vaccine producers have to pay millions of dollars for compensation. In the interest of everyone
involved, it would be useful to re-examine and re-evaluate the basic theory of Louis Pasteur that
immunization is useful or necessary. Could nature have made such a crucial mistake as to make us
dependant on injecting foreign, toxic material into our blood when we have an immune system so
complex and highly developed that millions of sophisticated computers could not imitate its performance?
This is rather unlikely.

How To Stay Immune

The damage that has been caused so far by vaccinations is considerable and surpasses many times the
problems that could possibly arise from having no immunization program whatsoever. Many natural ways
are available to acquire immunity. All the procedures and natural remedies described in this book can

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