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assist you and your family in maintaining natural immunity against disease throughout life. “The best
vaccine against common infectious diseases,” according to the World Health Organization, is “an
adequate diet.” Unprocessed, unrefined foods, including plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, help a child
to build up natural immunity and help the adult to maintain it.
The most powerful and all-protective immunization reinforcements a newborn baby can receive are
having the doctor wait to cut or clamp the umbilical cord until it stops throbbing^44 , and having the mother
breastfeed the child. This way, the infant gets all the necessary antibodies to build up a sound system of
immunity to effectively deal with any type of infectious agent in the future. Should an illness arise
nevertheless, the body will deal with it rapidly and without suffering harm, and in fact will greatly benefit
from it.
Breastfeeding should commence during the newborn’s first hour of life, according to a 2006 study
published in the journal Pediatrics. The researchers concluded that this could save 41 percent of newborns
who would otherwise die in their first month of life. Breastfeeding right away not only increases the
likelihood that infants will continue to breastfeed, but also gives them colostrum, a mother’s first milk. As
research has demonstrated, colostrum is rich in antibodies and essential nutrients, important for building a
strong immune system right from the start. Early breastfeeding also helps mothers through improved
lactation and less loss of blood. Besides, early breastfeeding helps mother and baby to bond naturally,
which is important for the baby’s psychological development throughout life. To increase their supply of
breast milk, mothers can add fenugreek, an herb/spice, to their food.
For a child's healthy immune system to mature fully and properly in our less-than-perfect environment,
it may be necessary to occasionally contract an infectious disease such as the measles, chickenpox, and
mumps. We all have to learn to trust nature and our body more than man-made theories and practices.
Human DNA has managed to survive millions of years on the planet and it certainly knows how to deal
with a few harmless infectious diseases, particularly when they help to strengthen our immune system.
Our immune system shows that it is active and intact by reacting to disease with a normal
inflammatory response. This defensive response removes accumulated toxins and the infectious agent
from the system through a rash, fever, or cough. The healing process will naturally and profoundly
stimulate the immune system so that, when the person recovers from the illness, s/he is equipped with
enough immunity to respond to other forms of infection without delay or repeated illness.

Natural Methods Of Nursing Children Back To Health

If your child is diagnosed as having chickenpox, mumps, or measles, it may indicate that s/he requires
an immunity boost. Most children who have gone through these common childhood illnesses have greatly
benefited from them; they are stronger afterwards and even have a growth spurt, either physically or
emotionally, or both. Most natural health practitioners see a normal childhood illness as a good
opportunity to develop immunity. By nursing a child with natural methods, you can help him to become
healthier and more resistant to disease in the long run.
When children become ill with any of these illnesses, the main advice is to encourage their own
healing powers. This is first accomplished by letting them get as much rest as possible. Take them out of
school, the nursery, etc., and nurse them at home. Drugs such as liquid paracetamol only suppress the

(^44) See this website for details on how to prevent blood volume loss, autism, anemia, jaundice and many potential illnesses in
the life of your baby: http://www.lotusbirth.com.

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