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children received a homeopathic remedy against meningitis. None of the children got infected and not a
single adverse effect developed from the treatment.
Elderberry has been used as a folk remedy for flu, colds, and coughs since the time of Hippocrates.
And recently, an Israeli scientist discovered exactly why it works so well. In a controlled study that had
flu sufferers recovering in record time, she found that elderberry literally "disarms" viruses. The viruses
simply were unable to penetrate the walls of the patients’ cells.
As a general precaution, don’t take your child to daycare centers or nurseries too early. This can
protect him from many childhood diseases. Daycare facilities increase the risk of Hib meningitis, for
example, by 24 times. Many of the commercially run centers are frequently “visited” by all sorts of bugs.
The safest environment for a child in the first years of his life is his home.

5. Protection Against The Flu?

Protect Yourself Against The Flu Vaccine!

The vaccine industry insists that their vaccines against the flu serve as the key to a healthy winter.
Although a serious flu epidemic has not occurred for 38 years, their vaccines are prescribed to millions of
people each year. You may wonder why perfectly healthy people are injected with a normally harmless
bug whose strains mutate from year to year? Although flu vaccines can never be accurate, employers
encourage millions of their employees submit to a flu shot each year, trying to avoid the loss of working
Influenza always starts in the Far East, and then spreads to the West in early winter, reaching its peak
during February and March. It may come in either of three types, A, B, or C. During the last several years,
type A has been the dominant version. What makes vaccination against the flu so unsuccessful is that the
strains of the flu virus are different every year and the so-called protection lasts for only six months. So
each autumn you require a new vaccination for a different virus. The trouble is, drug companies have no
way of knowing in the summer which new strain of the flu virus is going to hit the Western Hemisphere
during the winter months.
The vaccine producers grow the vaccines, consisting of live viruses, in hen’s eggs. When the vaccine is
injected into the body, it can cause side effects such as redness and soreness at the injection site and a
mild form of flu. Very serious complications arise in people who are taking immune-suppressing drugs or
who have a heart condition. If you are allergic to eggs, having a flu-shot may also endanger your health.
For the average healthy person, coming down with the flu is not serious at all. On the contrary, it can
build up natural immunity even against future encounters with new strains of the flu virus. The very
reason that nature creates these new forms of virus every year and spreads them with accurate timing is to
ensure continued ecological balance and strong immunity in plants, animals, and humans alike. Anyone
prone to repeated infections is likely to have a toxic liver with many hundreds of stones accumulated in
the liver and gallbladder. Gallstones, which harbor many types of infectious bacteria and viruses, are a
constant source of immune suppression. Cleansing the liver of all gallstones is about the best prevention
against any type of infection. People who have cleansed their liver in this way have reported that they
never catch a cold or the flu anymore.
Flu virus vaccines used until 2002 contained “live” viruses and produced so many serious, adverse
reactions that new vaccines had to be concocted. The new formula for flu vaccines is called the
“subvirion,” which basically is a mutilated virus “blended, spliced and macerated” until just bits and

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