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pieces of the original virus are left. This in no way makes the virus less dangerous. In fact, the antigens or
foreign proteins in the vaccine, for which the body is forced to produce antibodies, are still as poisonous
and harmful as the live virus.
Besides the subvirion, plenty of other substances are added to the flu vaccine, most of which you
would never want to consciously ingest. These include:

  • Hemagglutinin antigens that cause clumping of the red blood cells, leading to cardiovascular disease.

  • The enzyme neuraminidase, which cuts out neuraminic acid from the cell membrane, weakening all
    of the trillions of cell membranes in the body.

  • A white crystalline substance called allantoin, a toxic animal waste product. Due to its high nitrogen
    content, allantoin is used as fertilizer; it leads to kidney and bladder stones in humans.

  • Gentamicin, a broad spectrum antibiotic, is added to each embryonated chicken egg to inhibit the
    growth of bacteria (vaccine is grown in chicken eggs).

  • Formaldehyde (carcinogenic), used as a preservative and to inactivate the virus.

  • The toxic chemicals, tri butylphosphate and Polysorbate 80, U.S.P.

  • Resin, to eliminate “substantial portions” of tri butylphosphate and Polysorbate 80

  • Thimerosal, a mercury derivative, to preserve the vaccine cocktail.

  • Polyethylene glycol, a relative of ethylene glycol (antifreeze); often used to poison dogs and other
    predators of sheep.

  • Isocctylphenyl ether, a compound of ether; has anesthetic properties; a teratogen, causing abnormal
    prenatal development. It also induces testicular atrophy in animals.

The vaccine producers are unable to guarantee that the vaccine will protect you against the flu. So they
carefully tell you that the vaccine “reduces the likelihood of infection; or if you do develop the disease, it
will be a milder case.” Some express the same uncertainty about their product in this way: “It is known
definitely that influenza virus vaccine, as now constituted, is not effective against all possible strains of
influenza virus.” Perhaps the best lesson of this effect comes from Japan. Compulsory flu vaccination in
Japan (1967-1987) revealed no benefit and actually caused more flu- and vaccine-related deaths.
Why would you want to entrust your health to a cocktail of poisonous chemicals when even a
somewhat weakened immune system stands a far better chance of protecting you against harm from a
bout of influenza. Our body’s sophisticated immune system, which has evolved over millions of years,
can certainly do a better job of protecting you against the flu than anything made-made. All it needs is
some basic caretaking on your part. With each new flu shot, on the other hand, your immune system
becomes more depleted and the side effects become more pronounced and severe. And, you may still get
the flu anyway. The following list includes the possible consequences you might develop if you choose
the road of vaccination:

The most frequent side effects of vaccination:

  • Soreness at the site of the vaccination

  • Pain or tenderness

  • Erythema

  • Inflammation

  • Skin discoloration

  • Induration

    • A mass or lump

    • Hypersensitivity reactions including
      puritus and urticaria

    • Fever

    • Malaise

    • Myalgia

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