
(avery) #1

  • Arthralgia

  • Asthenia

  • Chills

  • Dizziness

  • Headache

  • Lymphadenopathy

  • Rash

  • Nausea

  • Vomiting

    • Diarrhea

    • Pharyngitis

    • Angiopathy

    • Vasculiltis

    • Anaphylaxis in asthmatics, with
      possible death

    • Anaphylactic shock, with possible

Vaccination certainly does not create immunity. You cannot become immune by ingesting poisons that
destroy the immune system. Studies by a group of Italian scientists showed that the flu vaccine reduced
the occurrence of clinical episodes of influenza by only 6 percent in adults, and effectiveness tended to
decrease with age. They concluded that universal immunization wasn't warranted. Stated simply, hand
washing and other hygienic and nutritional measures are far superior to the flu vaccine in effectiveness. If
you are practicing good hygiene, eating nutritious foods and keeping your intestines and liver clean,
influenza will never become a deadly disease. Getting vaccinated against the flu, on the other hand, is a
sure way to sow the seeds for new illnesses in the body. All vaccines are poisonous and, as such, act like
time bombs that will explode in due time.

Why People Get The Flu

Flu shots lower natural immunity by injecting alien and toxic substances directly into the bloodstream.
No other animal in the world chooses such unnatural, superficial and crude means to defend itself against
invading viruses. The normal route of contact with a viral particle is via the lungs. The vast majority of
the population has a normal, healthy immune system and is perfectly capable of dealing with the invaders
without getting sick. But if the body’s infection fighters have temporarily gone “on strike” for reasons
other than the lack of a vaccine, the flu virus can gain unrestricted access into the body and cause an
Regular vaccination (of any kind) is one of the major causes of depleted immunity. The yearly-
administered flu shots repeatedly burden the immune system and cells of the body with foreign toxic
material without giving them a chance to remove them again. The toxic viral particles can remain latent in
the cells and gallstones for as long as 20 years; when they emerge, they can cause serious cell damage.
With each new vaccination the immune system becomes more and more restricted in its effort to
neutralize the live virus that suddenly appears in the blood. It may produce antibodies for the virus
(although in many cases the immune system fails to do even that), and thus subdue it, but this encounter
leaves the host’s immune system unnecessarily tired and weak.
Besides immune damage, vaccines of all kinds produce alterations in genetic material and thereby
cause a whole range of malfunctions in the body. Vaccines may even be the cause of the increasing
incidence of malignant diseases in children. Mass immunization programs have created such weak
immune systems that children are even susceptible to such harmless viruses as the one causing the flu. We
may have gone as far as to replace mumps and measles with cancer, leukemia, and Chronic Fatigue
Flu vaccinations are mainly targeted at the older generation and young children. In the United
Kingdom, about 10,000 people, most of them of very advanced age, (supposedly) die from flu-related
illnesses. It may, therefore, sound reasonable to vaccinate the older people to protect them against the flu

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