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virus. But there is no total protection even among those vaccinated. Around 20 percent or more of the
elderly people who get the vaccine still get a more virulent strain of flu, and many others get a lighter
form of the flu. The same is true for the people in the same age group who haven’t been immunized. The
weak and elderly people are more likely to die from the flu, regardless of whether they have been
immunized or not. The bottom line is that there is no real advantage in having a flu shot. And certainly,
given the frailty of so many of the oldest members of society, there is absolutely no reliable way of telling
whether the flu or something else may have led to their death. The death rate in and out of the flu season
is actually about the same. But then, as we have seen with AIDS, statistics can be manipulated in ways
that support theories which have only one objective, to keep the medical business going. For instance,
when a person who is about to die anyway also catches the flu, he will be listed as a flu victim.
Instead of giving the elderly population vaccines, in the misguided belief that this would take care of
them, we could help them much more by improving their general resistance to disease through good diet,
social engagements and exercise programs. Many old people don’t have adequate nutrition and suffer
from depression; both these factors work as powerful immune suppressants. Others don’t have a warm
home or they live alone. Research has shown that these are the major risk factors for illness and death in
the older generation. A series of liver cleanses alone can strengthen natural immunity, improve digestion,
retard the aging process, restore health, and enhance mental functions.
In developing countries, where the elderly play an important role in society, general illness is low,
provided there is enough food available. In these countries it is more likely that old people die from
malnutrition than from a strain of virus.
An increasing number of reports indicate that adults who regularly receive flu shots suffer a
worsening of high blood pressure, diabetes, gout, and Parkinson’s disease as well as an increase in all
kinds of allergic complaints. In 1976 an extensive flu vaccination program in America led to a massive
outbreak of Guillain-Barre syndrome, a disease affecting the nervous system. The outbreak, known as the
“Great Swine Flue Fiasco,” paralyzed 656 people and 30 elderly persons were found dead within hours
after they were vaccinated. Compensation claims were enormous, which slowed down the program but
only for a while.
Seniors, of course, are one of the core target groups for the flu vaccine program. So every year we're
told how older people are particularly vulnerable to the flu. We're also told that government officials are
holding their breath over their fear of a devastating flu pandemic. We're even told that about 36,000
people die of flu-related complications in the United States each year, and most of those deaths are elderly
people. The reality of the matter is quite different, though. How many people do you think died of the flu
last year? Less than 175, according to Sherri J. Tenpenny, D.O., an internationally known leader in
vaccine research! And yet, the official line propagated by media campaigns is to be prepared for another
wave of deadly flu epidemic, killing thousands of people each new season.
What about the other high-risk group, young children? Japanese researchers have shown that infants
under one year of age fail to even generate a good antibody response following the vaccine. Pumping
children full of vaccine poisons is pointless, except to enrich the pharmaceutical companies.

In The Name Of Prevention

The pharmaceutical companies producing the vaccines seem to have a more powerful effect on the
population than the scientists who invented them. As early as 1980, Dr Albert Sabin, one of the world’s
leading virologists and a pioneer of the polio vaccine, spoke vehemently against the use of the flu vaccine,
claiming that it was unnecessary for over 90 percent of the population. This, however, has not

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