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discouraged the vaccination industry to endorse vaccination for all in the name of health and protection
against disease.
What makes matters worse is that there has never been a properly controlled clinical trial with the flu
vaccine. Because we don’t know anything about its long-term effects, we may be unknowingly producing
generations of people with debilitated immune systems and chronic diseases. Flu vaccination is an
unproved and unscientific practice and nothing in the scientific literature can certify or guarantee its
safety. The most effective way to fight infections, including the flu, is to prevent it. There is no substitute
for a health-increasing regimen. Vaccination, on the other hand, offers no real protection. Injecting the
body with foreign and poisonous viral material is counterproductive to improving our well-being. Dr.
John Seal from the American National Institute for Allergies and Infectious Diseases warned that we have
to assume that every flu vaccination can cause the Guillain-Barre Syndrome. In this sense, prevention is
not better than cure.

Help From Mother Nature

For those who are concerned about the flu and its possible effects, a remarkable herbal extract called
andrographis paniculata is available. It has been used for centuries in Ayurvedic (traditional Indian)
therapies and traditional Chinese Medicine to treat everything from isolated cases of the sniffles to full-
blown outbreaks of influenza. Apparently, andrographis is believed to have halted the spread of the 1919
Indian flu pandemic.
Scientific evidence supports that theory. Researchers at the Universities of Exeter and Plymouth in the
U.K. conducted a survey of medical databases, herbal manufacturer information and World Health
Organization reports to select seven studies that met the criteria for double-blind, controlled trials. The
combined studies tested the use of andrographis as a treatment for respiratory tract infection in nearly 900
subjects. In all seven of these studies, subjects who took andrographis after the onset of cold symptoms
reported faster recovery compared to subjects who took placeboes or medication.
Researchers concluded that andrographis may be effective in treating "uncomplicated" infection in the
upper respiratory tract (throat, sinuses and ears). According to previous laboratory trials, andrographis
extract doesn't actually kill the organisms that make you sick – at least not directly. Instead, the herbal
compound boosts your immune system and stimulates natural antibodies.
Animal research also showed that andrographis may help inhibit the formation of blood clots, lower
blood sugar levels in diabetics, lowered systolic blood pressure, protect the liver against damage and
prevent myocardial ischemia (inadequate blood circulation in the heart caused by coronary artery disease).
Kan Jang is a brand of standardized extract of andrographis that has consistently outsold all other cold
medications in Scandinavia for 13 years running. The Swedish Herbal Institute, the formulator of Kan
Jang, recommends that you take one tablet four times daily to fight colds or the flu. Kan Jang can be
purchased at dietary supplement stores and through Internet sites.
COLD-fX is another well-researched panacea for both prevention and treatment of Cold and Flu. It is
available over-the-counter from most drugstores. According to credible research of 10 years, COLD-fX
regulates both antigen specific acquired and innate immune systems to combat cold and flu viral infection.
It will also have effectiveness in the following conditions: travel, work-related fatigue and stress. A 2006
pre-clinical study showed potential benefits in cancer patients. COLD-fX is an extract of American
Warning about cough syrups for children: In 2007, in response to overwhelming evidence about
harmful side-effects of cough syrups, the FDA banned the sale of over-the-counter cough and cold

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