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however, whether the thinning of blood after drinking red wine is caused by flavonoids or by the diuretic
effects of the alcohol contained in the wine.
If purple grape juice is turned into wine, it loses some of its flavonoids. To have the benefits advocated
for red wine and more, it is better to drink the fresh juice of purple grapes. Plant foods contain about
4,000 flavonoids. Eating a diet rich in fruits and vegetables is one of the best ways to maintain a healthy
circulatory system, while alcohol is not. Although the flavonoids contained in red wine may have some
beneficial effects on the blood, the alcohol that goes with it, after initially thinning the blood due the
alcohol’s diuretic effects, makes it thicker than it was before. If you need proof, ask a friend to apply the
muscle test from chapter 1 on you while you hold a bottle of red wine or another alcoholic beverage in
your hand. If your arm muscle tests weak, it shows that any benefit that may be been left in the red wine
from the grape juice has been voided. The alcohol in the wine actually causes the shutdown of energy
flow to the muscles.

7. Dirty Business With Our Food—Genetically Modified

Genetic engineering of food is rapidly becoming an extremely lucrative business that is likely to place
man’s global food production in the hands of a few powerful people or governments. Whoever controls
global food production will also control the world. In the name of progress and improvement of food
production, the plan is to make every nation dependent on using the genetically engineered seeds that the
world’s leading food industries have produced and for which they own the patent rights. The agricultural
products manufacturer Monsanto is doing exactly that. In January 2005, Monsanto announced it will buy
the commercial fruit and vegetable seed company Seminis. The deal is said to be worth $1.4 billion. Once
the majority of the world is using gene-manipulated seeds to grow their crops, the man-made
Frankenstein foods will take their toll on human life. The aim of the wealthiest and most influential group
of people in the world is to drastically reduce the size of the world’s population. Why? Because a smaller
population and the world’s natural resources would be a lot easier to control than 8 billion people.
Genetically engineered foods play a decisive role in this plan, and unless the rest of humanity wakes up to
its responsibility as caretakers of Mother Earth, it is most likely going to succeed.
Monsanto, which also produced the poisonous sweetener aspartame, is inserting genes from plants of
unrelated species into the soybean plant to make it resistant to the potent herbicide Roundup (glyphosate).
The unsuspecting farmers would only welcome such a miracle plant, unless of course they see the risk
involved. The Roundup resistant soybean seed can now be heavily sprayed with Roundup to kill weeds,
but without causing damage to the soybean. No more problems with weeds suffocating the soybean
plants, but bigger problems for the consumer! The new soybean is heavily contaminated with the toxic
herbicide, Roundup.
Today, these genetically modified soybean products, which comprise about 80 percent of the beans
available, have been found in most baby formulas including Carnation, Similac, Enfamil, Isomil, and
Neocare as well as Doritos, Fritos, vegetable oils, soybean oil, margarine, and much more. With soy now
being an ingredient of thousands of common food products, the masses are systematically poisoned with
harmful herbicides.
One of the genes used in the new soybean is derived from the petunia plant, which is a nightshade
variety. This is bad news for people with nightshade-induced arthritis. Suddenly, by inadvertently eating
something that contains a soy product, they may end up becoming crippled with arthritis. They may have
no problem with soy as such, but soy isn’t just soy anymore; it is now also a nightshade, at least on the
genetic level.

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