
(avery) #1

The method of gene manipulation may even lead to more serious consequences than “just” a painful
joint disorder. When Monsanto inserted the Brazil nut gene into soy, people allergic to Brazil nuts
suffered anaphylaxis from ingesting a soy product. Anaphylaxis is a serious, life threatening reaction
where one is not able to breathe. Monsanto was ordered to remove the gene to avoid further complications
of that nature.
The process of genetic engineering of food often involves the use of a live virus, small enough to enter
cell nuclei and, thereby, infect other genetic material. Cancer in chickens often results from infection with
the Rous Sarcoma virus. The chicken cancer virus is used as a carrier to implant the growth hormone gene
into farmed fish so they will grow faster. Once the virus has infected the fish, it will likely end up on your
dinner plate and also infect you. With the multitudes of genetically modified foods out there, our body
will become a host for numerous viruses that normally would never be found in us.
Likewise, Leukemia virus in chicken has been used as a carrier to insert human genes into developing
poultry. It gets better, or shall I say, worse. A retrovirus was used to insert human fetal cells in pigs in
order to grow aortas for transplantation into humans. When the pig’s aorta was transplanted into the
human body, it led to infections in humans with the pig's retrovirus.
When these viruses are used as part of genetic engineering, they combine with one another to create
new plant and animal diseases. By eating these new foods, foreign genetic material from these viruses can
be absorbed through our intestines and become incorporated into our cells. Thanks to genetic research and
food production, we are now on the verge of creating new diseases against which we have no natural or
unnatural way of defending ourselves.
As more and more foods are grown that include foreign genes to make them resistant to certain pests,
pesticides, herbicides or antibiotics, the more of these gene transporters or vectors will end up lodging in
our intestinal tract, infecting the bacteria in our gut. The infected gut microbes will not only become
antibiotic-resistant, but resistant to any kind of treatment.
Since the U.S. government doesn’t require any testing or proof of the safety of genetically engineered
foods, the extremely well-paid genetic scientists basically have free and unrestricted reign over designing
their sinister programs of gene engineering. As for now, new genes have already been planted in potatoes,
corn, sugar beets, tomatoes, and cotton (used to make junk food oil found on roasted nuts given out on
airplanes) to make the plants resistant to pesticides. Canola oil is also a genetically engineered product,
poisonous for the body.
In 1994, the genetically engineered growth hormone rBGH, designed to increase milk production in
cows, was approved for use in the U.S. About a third of U.S. farmers now use it to speed up milk
production. The viruses used to make the growth hormone, of course, are in the milk. The prestigious
medical journal, Lancet, reported in 1998 that breast cancer is seven times higher in women with tiny
increases in the growth hormone, Insulin-like Growth Factor (IGF-1), which comes from cows injected
with rBGH. Two years before this report, the International Journal of Health Sciences stated that IGF-1
concentrations are ten times higher in rBGH milk and can be absorbed through our intestines, and
increase our risk of cancer among other diseases.
With increasing usage of genetically engineered plants, we will be faced with the following global

  1. Loss of thousands of species of plants

  2. All small farmers have to give up their farming businesses

  3. Creation of Frankenstein foods that our bodies won’t know how to handle

  4. Super weeds resistant to all herbicides

  5. Plants resistant to pesticides

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