
(avery) #1

  1. New viruses and diseases for which there won’t be a cure

Already, 60 percent of processed foods now contain at least one genetically modified food item.
Millions of people now consume chips with the firefly gene, potato chips with a chicken gene, or salsa
with tomato containing a flounder gene. Cream of broccoli soup can have a bacteria gene in it, and salad
dressing is most likely made with canola oil, vegetable oil or soybean oil (all genetically engineered). The
tobacco gene is now used in lettuce and cucumbers and the petunia gene is used in soybeans and carrots.
If you have celiac disease, you may need to avoid walnuts because they can have the barley gene in them.
Even strawberries are not harmless anymore; they can now have “undisclosed genes” in them, so you will
never know what else you are getting when you treat yourself to this delicious fruit. Cheese contains
genetically engineered bacterial rennet. Many brands of apple juice contain the silkworm gene, and grapes
can contain a virus gene. Trout, salmon, catfish, bass and even shrimp, are also genetically “enriched.”
Multinational corporations are rapidly changing our food and nobody seems to be able to stop them.
They're not accountable to anyone since they do not have to label their foods, and the government (at least
in the U.S.) does not require them to do any safety testing.

8. Soy—A Miracle Food Or Health Threat?

Soy products have made it into the food industry big time. Soy has been praised as the miracle food
that will save the world. However, in spite of impressive nutritional content, soy products are biologically
useless to the body, for reasons explained below. Today, soy is contained in thousands of different food
products, which has led to a massive escalation of disease in both developed and underdeveloped
Given the fact that soybeans are grown on farms that use toxic pesticides and herbicides—and many
are from genetically engineered plants—increasing evidence suggests soy is a major health hazard. With a
few exceptions, such as miso, tempeh and other carefully fermented soy products, soy is not suitable for
human consumption. Eating soy, soy milk, and regular tofu increases risks of serious health conditions.
In addition, soy is a common food allergen. Numerous studies have found that soy products:

  • increase the risk of breast cancer in women, brain damage in both men and women, and
    abnormalities in infants

  • contribute to thyroid disorders, especially in women

  • promote kidney stones (because of excessively high levels of oxalates which combine with
    calcium in the kidneys)

  • weaken the immune system

  • cause severe, potentially fatal food allergies

  • accelerates brain weight loss in aging users

Soy products contain:

  • Phytoestrogens (isoflavones) genistein and daidzein, which mimic and sometimes block the
    hormone estrogen

  • Phytic acids, which reduce the absorption of many vitamins and minerals, including calcium,
    magnesium, iron, and zinc, thereby causing mineral deficiencies

  • "Antinutrients" or enzyme inhibitors that inhibit enzymes needed for protein digestion and
    amino acid uptake

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